Richard Greeman

Richard Greeman is a Marxist writer long active in human rights, anti-war, anti-nuclear, environmental and labor struggles in the U.S., Latin America, France, and Russia. He is also the primary translator of the Franco-Russian revolutionary novelist Victor Serge.

Articles From This Author

Richard Greeman

COVID: Which side are we on?

Summary: An examination of how class divisions and opposed concepts of freedom underpin the radically divergent approaches to the COVID-19 pandemic in Europe and the U.S. — Editors

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Richard Greeman

Behind the “Deep State Coup”

Summary: Notions of a “deep state” opposing Trump echo claims by the Putin regime; what is really happening is a split in the US ruling class that opens possibilities for the Left — Editors

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Richard Greeman

Behind the Demonstrations in Morocco

Summary: The oppressive rule of King Mohammed VI of Morocco has experienced new challenges from the below on the eve of the COP 22 global environmental conference in Marrakesh — Editors

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Richard Greeman

Glad Tidings About Our Friend, Maati Monjib

Maati Monjib, the Moroccan historian, human rights activist, and translator into Arabic of Dunayevskaya’s Marxism and Freedom, has suspended his hunger strike in its 20th day, having forced the author…

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Richard Greeman

Report from Activists in Russia

On worsening situation in Russia after Nemtsov assassination and intervention in Syria, as well as continuing efforts by independent left – Editors.

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Richard Greeman

Support Maati Monjib in the Face of Moroccan Government Repression

Statement of support for Moroccan historian, journalist, and activist Maati Monjib. Maati leads a human rights group that defends journalists and is the translator into Arabic of Raya Dunayevskaya’s M…

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Richard Greeman

[Discussion Article] Ukraine, Coup or Revolution?

The Ukrainian uprising raises questions concerning different kinds of democracy, nationalism and internationalism, types of imperialism and capitalism, and the dangers of ethnic conflict and neolibera…

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Richard Greeman

Russia: The Return of the Revolution

Russia’s anti-regime demonstrations are the biggest popular mobilization since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, and carry with them the real possibility of another revolution – Editors

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Richard Greeman

Libya: Who’s Side Are We On?

A critique of the narrow forms of anti-imperialism that have emerged on some parts of the Left in the face of US and NATO intervention in Libya and a call for solidarity with the people of Libya and t…

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