Richard Abernethy

Richard Abernethy is an active member of Unite the Union in England and has written on international issues and other topics for News & Letters (1978-2008), The Hobgoblin (1999-2011) and The International Marxist-Humanist (since 2009).

Articles From This Author

Richard Abernethy

Hungary’s Winter of Discontent

While Viktor Orbán’s regime has become a beacon for the hard right in Europe and beyond, it is now being challenged by mass protests over work hours and other issues. But the opposition has serious co…

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Richard Abernethy

Film Review: Peterloo

Summary: Two centuries after the event, a new film commemorates the Peterloo massacre of workers by British troops in Manchester, UK. – Editors.

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Richard Abernethy

Trump in Britain – Protests all the Way

Summary: Trump’s (un)diplomatic visit: uncertain relations between the United States, the United Kingdom and the European Union: and the biggest protests against a foreign leader in British history –…

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Richard Abernethy

Oxford March to Save Our National Health Service

Summary: Health workers and supporters march for free health care for all, and workers’ rights — Editors

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Richard Abernethy

Myanmar/Burma: Rohingya Lives Matter

Summary: Genocide against the Rohingya – what can the international Left do to oppose it? – Editors

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Richard Abernethy

Poland, Polarised

Summary: A vigorous mass movement has arisen to oppose the encroaching authoritarianism of Poland’s rightwing government. – Editors

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Richard Abernethy

Book Review: Eleanor Marx, by Rachel Holmes

Summary: A lively, recent biography (published by Bloomsbury in 2014) gives a vivid account of Eleanor Marx (1855-1898) and her circle, at the heart of late nineteenth century socialism–Editors

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Richard Abernethy

Two of a Kind: Rodrigo Duterte and Donald Trump

Summary: The new presidents of the Philippines and the United States are two of a kind, and part of a global reactionary trend — Editors

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Richard Abernethy

Coup and Counter-coup in Turkey

Summary: Since the failure of a military coup against him, Turkey’s President Erdogan has launched a coup of his own, clamping down hard on all opposition — Editors

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