Richard Abernethy

Richard Abernethy is an active member of Unite the Union in England and has written on international issues and other topics for News & Letters (1978-2008), The Hobgoblin (1999-2011) and The International Marxist-Humanist (since 2009).

Articles From This Author

Richard Abernethy

Class in Modern Capitalism: the British Example

Class is once again in the news and political debate. While some claim that it is no longer relevant at all, the BBC’s Great British Class Survey claimed to identify no fewer than seven different clas…

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Richard Abernethy,
Philip Walden

A Debate on Socialism and the Market

This exchange of emails followed a discussion at a public meeting of the Oxford Communist Corresponding Society on the subject of “A beginner’s guide to economic planning” on 30 May 2013. Both authors…

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Richard Abernethy

The Long Shadow of Margaret Thatcher

The death of Margaret Thatcher recalled her 11 years as British prime minister. She ushered in a harsher form of capitalism, presided over increases in unemployment, inequality, poverty and homelessne…

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Richard Abernethy

Bangladesh: After the Tazreen Fashions Fire

In urban and rural Bangladesh, class divisions are stark. Workers are struggling against dangerous conditions, low wages and repressive violence. – Editors.

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Richard Abernethy

Israel and Iran: Enmity from Above, Amity from Below

Israeli and Iranian protesters have joined forces against the threat of war between their countries – Editors.

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Richard Abernethy

David Cameron’s Attack on Health and Safety

Britain’s prime minister, David Cameron, has resolved to “kill off the health and safety culture for good,” an attitude that poses a threat to all workers and reveals the inhumanity of capitalism. – E…

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Richard Abernethy

Red Rosa and the Arab Spring

The revolutionary movements of the year 2011, above all in the Arab countries, and the life and thought of Rosa Luxemburg, are connected. Presented at the Anarchist Book Fair, London – Editors

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Richard Abernethy

Vietnam: Dissent, Repression and the Emergence of an Independent Workers’ Movement

A look at Vietnam today: the land question, the status of women,  attempts to build independent unions, state repression, political dissent, and possibilities of revolution. – Editors

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Richard Abernethy

Bangladesh: The People Who Make Your Clothes Demand a Living Wage

A mass strike of garment workers has exposed poverty wages and attracted international support, but met with severe state repression. – Editors

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