Lalan Kishor Singh

Lalan is a long time trade union activist and is associated with the revolutionary communist movement in India.

Articles From This Author

Rajiv Nagar,
Lalan Kishor Singh

Indian Workers Speak for Themselves

The original Hindi language articles by two rank-and-file workers in Nagpur, India in PDF format. These articles were also published in English here. -Editors

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Rajiv Nagar,
Lalan Kishor Singh

Indian Workers Speak for Themselves

The following two articles were written by two rank-and-file workers in Nagpur, India and is being circulated as a leaflet among workers as a contribution to reviving the country’s labor movement. — E…

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Lalan Kishor Singh

To understand Marxism, we need to know Marx! Preliminary notes on Marx and Marxism

Summary: This reflection by a worker in Nagpur, India consists of his effort to come to grips with the basic principles of Marx’s thought and its relevance to the current period – Editors

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Lalan Kishor Singh

A Voice from India: Race, Caste and the Limits of Class Reductionism

Summary: A report by an Indian factory worker on how the struggles against racism and attacks on immigrants call for developing a conception of socialism and communism that avoids the pitfall of twent…

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Lalan Kishor Singh

Class War Against the Indian Working Class

Summary: The following leaflet was written for May Day 2020 by a production worker in Nagpur India in response to the effort of the Indian government to make workers pay for the Covid-19 pandemic.

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Lalan Kishor Singh

Emancipation of the working class is the act of workers themselves!

Summary: Below is the text of a flyer that was written by Lalan, a worker in Nagpur, India, and translated by Arvind Ghosh, for the General Strike in India which on 8-9th of January saw 150 million wo…

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Lalan Kishor Singh

पूंजीवाद मानवता के लिए एक अभिशाप है

संलग्न पीडीएफ-फाइल को दाईं ओर देखें

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Lalan Kishor Singh

Capitalism is a Curse for Humanity

In this piece, Lalan, a worker in Nagpur, India, reflects upon his experiences, past and present, of so called “accidents” at work, and their relationship to capitalism’s demand for profit. Originally…

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Peter Hudis,
Lalan Kishor Singh

India: A Dialog with a Worker on the Future of Marxism

Summary: This article was originally published in English on Feb. 7, 2018 in the International Marxist-Humanist, here: The Turkish…

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