Eleonora Roldán Mendívil

Eleonora Roldán Mendívil is a political scientist and educator. She has taught at several universities in Germany and Austria on intersectionality, racism, and colonial history. Currently, she is a PhD candidate at the University of Kassel (Germany). Her research interests include Marxism, (anti-)racism, gender relations and historical education. Together with Bafta Sarbo she has published the anthology Die Diversität der Ausbeutung. Zur Kritik des herrschenden Antirassismus [https://dietzberlin.de/produkt/die-diversitaet-der-ausbeutung/] (The Diversity of Exploitation. A Critique of prevailing anti-racism) in 2022, now in its 3rd edition.

Articles From This Author

Eleonora Roldán Mendívil

Latin America’s great amauta: The Marxism of José Carlos Mariátegui

Summary: This discussion of the life and thought of one of Latin America’s most important Marxist theorists is a review of In the Red Corner. The Marxism of José Carlos Mariátegui, by Mike Gonzalez [h…

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Eleonora Roldán Mendívil

The Question of Women Workers, Past and Present

Summary: This is a review of Clara Zetkin: The Women’s and Women Workers’ Question of our Time [https://www.rosapublishing.co.uk/zetkin-women/], translated and introduced by Ben Lewis, which contains…

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, translated and introduced by Ben Lewis, which contains a translation of a work by a foremost figure in the European socialist women’s movement of the late 19th and early 20th century. — Editors.

‘ eq ” )”] Summary: This is a review of Clara Zetkin: The Women’s and Women Workers’ Question of our Time [https://www.rosapublishing.co.uk/zetkin-women/], translated and introduced by Ben Lewis, which contains a translation of a work by a foremost figure in the European socialist women’s movement of the late 19th and early 20th century. — Editors. [/wpv-conditional]

Eleonora Roldán Mendívil

[Discussion Article] Marxism & Intersectionality

Summary: This review of Ashley J. Bohrer‘s, “Marxism and Intersectionality. Race, Gender Class and Sexuality Under Contemporary Capitalism” examines whether or not the book succeeds in providing an un…

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