Dan Beltaigne

Articles From This Author

Dan Beltaigne

U.S. Workers Look for New Ways Out

Summary: Strikes at Kellogg’s, John Deere, and Riot Games are showing new forms of creative organizing not seen before — Editors

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Dan Beltaigne

Support BCTWGM International Union Workers, Boycott Kellogg’s!

It’s time all of us stand with the union workers at Kellogg’s and boycott all Kellogg’s products till this battle is won! Issued as a Statement of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization on De…

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Dan Beltaigne

Black Lives Matter — Green Bay

Summary: On protests against police abuse and for racial and social justice from Green Bay, Wisconsin—one more indication of the rapid growth of this movement — Editors

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Dan Beltaigne

New Book on Teachers’ Unions Offers Lessons for Today

Summary: How resentment of teachers’ unions was used by capital to weaken labor as a whole. Especially important in light of today’s mass strike by West Virginia teachers — Editors

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Dan Beltaigne

Flint, Our Future?

Summary: The severe water contamination in Flint, Michigan, which has already impacted the health of the population, especially the youth, stems from the poisonous legacies of both racial oppression a…

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Richard Abernethy,
Kevin B. Anderson,
Dan Beltaigne,
David Black,
Antony H.,
Rehmah Sufi

Ferguson Protests Place American Civilization on Trial: A Symposium

Protests in the USA over the police murders of Black youth have exposed the great divides in American society. Has a critical mass been formed that raises the possibility of real movement against the…

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Dan Beltaigne

Ferguson: Where to Now?

The murder of two unarmed African-American men by police—Eric Garner and Michael Brown—shows that the power structure of U.S. society remains inherently racist. New protests are emerging around the co…

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Dan Beltaigne

Some Thoughts on the Wisconsin Recall Election

The failure to recall Governor Scott Walker is not a defeat for unions or labor in Wisconsin, nor is it a referendum on Obama – Editors

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Dan Beltaigne

Why John Brown? Why Now?

150 years after the U.S. Civil War, how does John Brown’s stand at Harpers Ferry  look after the rise of identity politics, multiculturalism and cultural relativism in an  increasingly globalized worl…

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