Dale Parsons

Articles From This Author

Marija Krtolica,
Karel Ludenhoff,
Dale Parsons

Marx and the Alternative to Capitalism: A Review Symposium

Three reviews of Peter Hudis’s new book Marx’s Concept of the Alternative to Capitalism – Editors

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Dale Parsons

The Unconscionable Acquittal of George Zimmerman

The acquittal of the murderer of Trayvon Martin shows, “beyond reasonable doubt,” that unconscionable acts of murder and abuse against Black Americans continue to define the social and legal structure…

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Kevin B. Anderson,
David Black,
Dale Parsons

May Day 2013 in North America and Europe: Reports and Reflections

We present reports from Marxist-Humanist participants on the 2013 May Day celebrations.

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Dale Parsons

Taking Back Our Labor: Wisconsin and the Crisis of American Capitalism

In the wake of the economic crisis, capital has launched an unprecedented attack on the living standards of the working people.  The Wisconsin protests show the way forward, if we can draw their true…

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Dale Parsons

Labor at the Crossroads

The capitulation on the part of Obama and the Democrats to the far-Right agenda of the Republicans in the latest battle over raising the deficit ceiling raises the issue of whether capitalism is under…

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Dale Parsons

Apocalypse…. Now?

The violent language of the far right, rooted in Christian fundamentalism, has demonized the left and the antiwar movement. It is seen here as part of a battle of ideas in defense of capital – Editors

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Dale Parsons

Retrogression at Heart of Tucson Arizona shooting

The January 8, 2011 shooting rampage in Tucson, Arizona was instigated by years of hateful, racist speech and action on the part of the Right, despite denials from the Right and obfuscation in the mai…

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Dale Parsons

A Deeper Look at Massey Coal Mine Deaths

Struggles against unsafe conditions and the pressure of global energy markets remind us of new directions inspired by class struggles in the mine fields.

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Dale Parsons

Hearing the Voice of Labor on the Economic Crisis

There are “two worlds” in each country, the “rulers” and the “ruled” or to put it more concretely, between workers and non-workers. Never, in my lifetime, has the divide between workers and non-worker…

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