Ba Karang

Ba Karang has written widely on African liberation, racism, and immigrant rights.

Articles From This Author

Ba Karang

Challenging Sexism in the Gambia: The Battle Against FGM Revisited

Summary: Conservative attempt to roll back Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) meets feminist opposition — Editors

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Ba Karang

Standing in Solidarity with Senegal

Summary: Mass movement against President Macky Sall’s attempt to avoid elections bears fruit, a victory fraught with contradictions — Editors

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Ba Karang

In Solidarity with Senegal: The Ongoing Struggle Against Macky Sall’s Dictatorship

Summary: Movement against dictatorship faces challenges from both regime and opportunistic politicians — Editors

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Ba Karang

Political Crises in Africa and the Globalization of Racism

Summary: The economic and political crisis of Africa today — especially in Angola, Gambia, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, and South Africa — is connected to ruthless exploitation by Euro-US and Middle Easter…

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Ba Karang

Husby Riots: The Other Face of Swedish Social Democracy Exposed

The recent rioting in Stockholm over the police killing of a Portuguese immigrant was a manifestation of the growing inequalities in Sweden, a society once seen as synonymous with social democracy – E…

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Ba Karang

The Oslo Massacre and the ‘Reasoning’ of the Far Right

In the aftermath of the Massacre in Norway, Norwegian-African Ba Karang examines the ideological strands of the Far Right in the thinking of Anders Breivik. – Editors

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Ba Karang

Rwanda — From the Horrors of Genocide to Democracy?

Rwanda’s recent election, its turn toward authoritarianism, and the involvement of Western capital are analyzed.

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Ba Karang

Africom and the USA’s Hidden Battle Front in Africa

What is the current meaning of “war against terror” for Africa? The true intention of America’s recent military interventions in the African continent (both covert and open) is nothing other than the…

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