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Los Angeles Police Murder and Its Revolutionary Opposition in Minneapolis and Across the Country: A Story of US Racist Capitalism

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Police Murder and Its Revolutionary Opposition in Minneapolis and Across the Country: A Story of US Racist Capitalism

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Sunday, May 31, 6-8:00 PM, Pacific Daylight Time


Speakers: A Minneapolis activist, Ryan Jerome LeCount, Ndindi Ktonga, and Kevork Sassouni.


The police murder of George Floyd by racist Minneapolis police is, sadly, all too predictable in a society where Black men are increasingly expendable to the capitalist system. The remarkable resistance by the youth of Minneapolis has written a new chapter in the freedom movement in the US. What lessons can be drawn? Where do we go from here?


The Minneapolis activist lives blocks away from the torched 3rd police precinct

Ryan Jerome LeCount teaches at Hamline University, Minneapolis, where he focuses on the
intersection of race and politics in the United States

Ndindi Kitonga is an LA-based activist and revolutionary educator

Kevork Sassouni is an Armenian student activist who lived in Lebanon for most of his life and

has participated in several grassroots social movements



Sponsored by Los Angeles Chapter, International Marxist-Humanist Organization More information: <[email protected]>


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