[Los Angeles] [Los Angeles] Women in the Global South and vs. Imperialism: From Latin America to Ukraine, and from Africa to India and Iran
Part of an ongoing series:
For a Humanist Alternative to Patriarchy and Capitalism: A Class Series in Marxism and Feminism
- Rocío Lopez, socialist feminist writer and activist
- S.D. Roy, Indian Marxist sociologist
2221 Barry Ave Los Angeles, CA 90064, masks recommended indoors
Enter through back of building featuring Jackie’s Bakery and then go upstairs through the roof deck
Near Bundy stop on E (Expo) Line
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Suggested readings (all short):
- Alireza Kia, “Women’s Resistance Touches Off a New Uprising in Iran” https://imhojournal.org/articles/women-resistance-touches-off-a-new-uprising-in-iran/
- Rocio Lopez, “Latin America gives us all reason to have hope!” https://imhojournal.org/articles/latin-america-gives-us-all-reason-to-have-hope/
- Kavita Krishnan, Indian communist feminist, Intro to her “Fearless Freedom” (see also attachment) https://scroll.in/article/953499/kavita-krishnan-argues-in-her-new-book-that-more-autonomy-means-more-safety-for-women-in-india
- Ukrainian women, “‘The right to resist.’ A feminist manifesto” https://imhojournal.org/articles/the-right-to-resist-a-feminist-manifesto/
- Ndindi Kitonga, “Anti-Colonialism and Humanism” https://imhojournal.org/articles/anti-colonialism-and-humanism/
Sponsored by Los Angeles Chapter, International Marxist-Humanist Organization
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