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London Where to Begin? Growing Seeds of Liberation in a World Torn Asunder

Dear comrades,

The London Chapter of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization is inviting you to take part in a discussion of the recent statement published in IMHO Journal and entitled Where to Begin? Growing Seeds of Liberation in a World Torn Asunder.

Topics that we will explore during the meeting will be;

  • How profound is the shock delivered to global politics and economics by the spread of the coronavirus?
  • Where are new movements challenging capitalism and where will the next revolts happen?
  • How can we develop a conscious awareness of a genuine alternative to existing society?

Jens Johansson, co-author of the statement, and a former mineworker and student activist in Sweden, will introduce the meeting with a short presentation. Then a time for discussion starts.

The meeting will be held online via Zoom. Sign in to the meeting by clicking on this link and use this password: 377684.


Sponsored by the London Chapter of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization. More information: <[email protected] Consider a donation to the IMHO to support our work