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[Los Angeles] The Fascist Threat: In the U.S. and Brazil

Sunday November 21, 2021, 6-9:00 PM, Los Angeles Time



Barbara Epstein, UC Santa Cruz, author of Protest and Cultural Revolution

Rhaysa Ruas, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, social activist and legal worker


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The deepening contradictions of capitalism have opened the way for the revival of the fascist threat across the globe. This is a huge danger not only for democracy, but also for all the struggles against capitalism, racism, sexism, heterosexism, and environmental destruction. In the U.S., Trumpism has revived the fascist threat, staging what amounted to a coup attempt on January 6. Fearing defeat in the upcoming elections in Brazil, Bolsonaro has threatened not to recognize the result. The rise of the far right and of neofascism is assuming different forms in different countries, forms that are also different from those of the 1930s as well. How can we analyze these new fascist threats? How can we resist them?


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