Los Angeles Racism, Militarism, and the Fascist Threat
It is often forgotten that the Nazis openly admired US racism and European colonialism. The latter are in fact preconditions for fascism, as are anti-immigrant, heterosexist, and misogynist politics. In this light, what does it mean to say that the Trump administration represents a fascist threat? Living as we do under the domination of capital, how can we defend democracy and human rights vs. fascism? How can we do so without losing sight of the fact that “normal” liberal capitalism‘s failure to guarantee even a minimum economic and social security to the working people has paved the way for fascism on more than one occasion?
Chris Gardner, organizer at the International Marxist-Humanist Organization and LA Tenants Union, and creative designer
Christian Aquino, student activist
Suggested readings:
Rhaysa Ruas, “Brazil’s Racial Capitalism at a Turning Point” (2018) https://imhojournal.org/articles/brazils-racial-capitalism-at-a-turning-point-rising-militarization-after-two-decades-of-workers-party-government/
Rosa Luxemburg, Ch. 1 of JUNIUS PAMPHLET (1915) on imperialism war as offering choice between “socialism or barbarism” https://www.marxists.org/archive/luxemburg/1915/junius/ch01.htm
Karel Ludenhoff, “In the Ocean of Crisis: Rightwing Populism and Awakening Fascism vs. Marxist-Humanist Freedom“ (2017) https://imhojournal.org/articles/ocean-crisis-right-wing-populism-awakening-fascism-vs-marxist-humanism-freedom-karel-ludenhoff/
Directions to the Poetic Research Bureau: Near Chinatown stop on Gold Line, parking on street or paid lot next to gas station at College and Hill St.
Save these dates:
October 20: Democracy and Socialism: In Marx and in Today’s “Democratic Socialism”
November 17: Marx’s Critique of the Gotha Program: Vs. State Socialism from Above and for Real Communism from Below
Sponsored by West Coast Chapter, International Marxist-Humanist Organization
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