Los Angeles Zoom Meeting on Race, Class, Gender, and Revolution 1: Theoretical and Practical Lessons of the 1960s
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Speaker: Rocio Lopez
In this first meeting in a two-part series on race, class, gender, and revolution, we will take our exploration to an historical level with issues like:
How did the 1960s illustrate the Marxist-Humanist concept of Black masses as vanguard?
What responsibility did the white New Left hold for the separation of the anti-Vietnam War movement from the Civil Rights Movement?
How did the women’s liberation movement offer a revolutionary challenge to both of these movements?
Why are the student-worker uprising in France 1968 and the Detroit rebellion of 1967 considered to be the highpoints of the 1960s revolutionary movements?
What does this flowering and yet ultimate defeat of the left teach us for today in terms of the relationship of a philosophy of liberation to revolution?
Rocio Lopez is a socialist Feminist and has lived in Latin America and Japan. She writes for the International Marxist Humanist Organization Journal and is also part of the Transnational Solidarity Network.
Suggested reading: The presentation will connect to “New Passions and New Forces: The Black Dimension, The Anti-Vietnam War Youth, Rank-and-File Labor, Women’s Liberation,” Chapter 9 of Raya Dunayevskaya’s PHILOSOPHY AND REVOLUTION, here: https://www.marxists.org/archive/dunayevskaya/works/phil-rev/dunayev9.htm
Sponsored by Los Angeles Chapter, International Marxist-Humanist Organization More information: <[email protected]> https://imhojournal.org https://www.facebook.com/groups/imhorg/ https://www.facebook.com/LAMarxists/
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