[Chicago] Rojava: A Progress Report
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Challenges to Social Transformation
– A series of discussions on today’s freedom struggles
Session 5: Monday, July 19, at 6:30 pm (CST):
Rojava: A Progress Report
The liberated zone of Rojava in northern Syria was hailed by many in recent years as a unique expression of grassroots democracy and self-determination. How is this experiment injected social transformation now faring?
Opening the discussion: Kristopher Gardner
Suggested reading: #RiseUp4Rojava, Evaluation of Current Situation in Kurdistan
Session 6: Monday, August 9, at 6:30 pm (CST):
Revolutionary Anti-Imperialism Versus Counter-Revolutionary Anti-Imperialism
What does it mean to engage in anti-imperialist and decolonial politics today? Why do some on the Left confuse anti-imperialism with supporting reactionary regimes in such places as Syria, China, or Latin America, and what are its consequences?
Opening the discussion: Ali Reza
Suggested readings: Jasmin Mujanovic, “The Balkan Roots of the Far Right’s ‘Great Replacement’ Theory,” “Erasing People through Disinformation: Syria and the ‘Anti-Imperialism’ of Fools,” and Jonathan Ellis & Brian Bean, “Rebuilding the anti-Imperialist Movement in a New Era”
Sponsored by the International Marxist-Humanist Organization
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