[Los Angeles] Modi and Covid 19 in India: A Disaster Brought to Us by Capitalism
Sunday, May 16, 2021 6-9:00 PM, Los Angeles Time
Speaker: Sushanta D. Roy
India’s recent surge in Covid Cases reflects a failure by the Central Government to develop a basic understanding of how natural disasters actually function, especially pandemics. This has been exacerbated by the authoritarian rule of Hindu revivalist Narendra Modi, with his even sharper turn toward neoliberalism than his Congress predecessors. The current crisis of Covid-19 in India is also a failure of capitalism itself, which for decades has reaped benefits off disasters and decimated public services, only to find itself in acute crisis today. In this process, it has put at risk the lives of countless workers, peasants, women and marginalised people.
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Sushanta D. Roy is a sociology graduate student with ties to India
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