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[Los Angeles] Memorial Meeting for Ali Kiani, Iranian Marxist activist, writer, and translator

Date: February 20, 2022

11AM LA/1PM Chicago/7PM London


Alireza Kia, International Marxist-Humanist Organization (IMHO)

Hamid Vahed, Organization of Revolutionary Workers of Iran (ORWI-Rahe Kargar)


Tributes by

Mansour M

Thonette Myking

Kevin B. Anderson

Rocio Lopez

Kris Baumgartner

Peter Hudis


Remembrances from the audience


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Ali Kiani (Kambiz Rafie, aka Kia Saidi) died on September 16, 2021 after decades of work in the Iranian and the international Marxist movement. A participant in the 1978-79 revolution and in its workers councils, Ali later fled into exile, first in Turkey and then the U.S. While still in Iran, he took part in study group on Lenin’s Philosophical Notebooksand later translated an article by Raya Dunayevskaya on this topic into Persian.  A lifelong member of the Iranian diaspora left, he also took part in activities and discussions in the Los Angeles area as a member of the IMHO. Ali published numerous articles in English and in Persian on Marxist theory, on uprisings inside Iran, on the struggles of workers and of the Kurdish people, and on war, imperialism, and revolution in the region. Even as he grew frail in the weeks before his death, he attended demonstration at the LA Federal Building against political repression in Iran and he also continued to join in a weekly study group with young people on Marx’s 1844 Essays. Ali Kiani was always motivated by a deep humanism and a passion for revolutionary democracy.


Sponsored by
International Marxist-Humanist Organization

Organization of Revolutionary Workers of Iran (Rahe Kargar)


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