6:00-8:30 PM
Westside Peace Center
3916 Sepulveda Blvd., near Venice Blvd. (free parking in rear)
Suite 101-102, press #22 at door to get into building
Culver City (LA area)
SPEAKERS: Ali Kiani, Kevin Anderson and Mansoor M.
In recent weeks, we have seen the failed military coup in Turkey, the British vote to leave the European Union, and a series of attacks by terrorists and disturbed individuals on civilians across Western Europe, the Middle East, and South Asia. At the same time, the bloody Syrian civil war grinds on, sending a flood of refugees, and ISIS has managed to sponsor or inspire several major terrorist attacks. How are imperialist powers like the U.S., the Europeans, and Russia responding to these events? How are those on the ground taking action, especially groups that continue to struggle for human emancipation like the Kurdish and Arab revolutionaries inside Syria? How do growing racism and Islamophobia, imperialist intervention, and the crisis in the Middle East impact events here in the US? To figure out how to move forward toward freedom from war and capitalist exploitation, we need — as Marxist-Humanists and friends of Marxist-Humanism — to make a sober analysis of these ongoing crises. This meeting will be a step in that direction.
Ali Kiani is a longtime Iranian Marxist who was active in the workers’ councils during the 1979 revolution, and since then in the LA area. He has translated several Marxist texts into Persian, and written on both Marxist economics and the current crisis in the Middle East.
Kevin Anderson teaches at UC-Santa Barbara. He is has written widely on the Middle East and Europe and is the author of MARX AT THE MARGINS and the coauthor of FOUCAULT AND THE IRANIAN REVOLUTION
Mansoor M. is a longtime Marxist and an Iranian cultural worker who is active in anti-racist, anti-imperialist, and pro-immigrant struggles
Sponsor: The West Coast Chapter, International Marxist-Humanist Organization. For more information email to [email protected]
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