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Chicago Join Us for a Remote Memorial Meeting for James Obst (1953-2020) (aka Jim Mills, J. Turk)

Join for us a commemoration of the life of James Obst (1953-2020) (aka Jim Mills, J. Turk), a founding member of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization who passed away in Chicago in October. Comrades, friends, and family members will reminisce about Jim’s contributions over the span of 45 years in the U.S. radical movement. Excerpts from his writings will also be read out.

Featuring remarks by

  • Peter Hudis
  • Grace Scrimgeour
  • Kevin B. Anderson
  • Sandra Rein
  • David Black
  • Laura Olsen

For background see Peter Hudis, “In Memoriam: James Obst, Friend, Comrade, Revolutionary”

Link to Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 863 5967 3425

Passcode: 416182

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Sponsored by International Marxist-Humanist Organization More information: <[email protected]>


Consider a donation to the IMHO in memory of Jim



Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 863 5967 3425

Passcode: 416182

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Meeting ID: 863 5967 3425

Passcode: 416182

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