When? – January 5, 19:00 GMT

Where? – On Zoom, see link below

The term ‘humanism’ remains problematic in contemporary discussions of Marxism, as it does in wider intellectual culture. Reduced to a static and homogenising signifier, it is generally seen as little more than an apologia for colonialism and as inimical to concerted forms of class politics, not to mention feminist, anti-racist, and LGBTQI+ struggles. That humanism should be seen in such a timeless and univocal manner is a great irony, given the foundational historical tendency that enlivens Marxist thought. What the Marxist humanist tradition demonstrates is precisely the importance of being attentive to the different historical modalities and appropriations of humanism. It demonstrates, also, the practical nature of the humanism that was the basis of Marx’s own emancipatory project and that is the basis today of the open emancipatory project of the future: that is to say, an ‘absolute humanism’ that seeks nothing less the multifaceted and interrelated liberation of our wider social world.

Join us for a discussion on humanism. The meeting will take place on Zoom: https://miun-se.zoom.us/j/63172954635?pwd=amRwL2M0TXBzQUE4VTdYNGUwS3pSZz09


  • Kieran Durkin, Lecturer in Politics at York University
  • Yasmine Kherfi, Ph.D. student in Sociology at LSE


Contact: [email protected]