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[Chicago] Capital and Race: The Inter-Connection and Its Impact Upon U.S. Society

Thursday, May 11, 2017
6:30 – 8:30 pM

Chicago Freedom School
719 S. State St., 4th Floor (Chicago Loop)
Chicago, IL

Speaker: Peter Hudis, author of Frantz Fanon: Philosopher of the Barricades.

New campaigns and struggles against the Achilles heel of American society’s persistent racism, as well as new challenges to economic inequality, represent some of the most striking developments of the last several years. All too often, however, these currents have assumed different or even opposed trajectories, as reflected in one-sided class-reductionist analyses that downplay the importance of race and racism and/or affirmations of identity that bypass or ignore issues of class.

As part of a series of discussions on the 150th anniversary of the publication of Marx’s Capital, the most insightful critique of the capitalist mode of production ever written, this meeting will explore how racism is integral to the logic of capital and how struggles against it can point the way to an alternative to capitalism.


Sponsored by Chicago Chapter of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization

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