[Chicago] Alternatives to Islamophobia and Fundamentalism – A Marxist-Humanist View
111 North Wabash Ave
Suite 909 (Chicago Loop)
Leading the discussion: Alireza Kia, Iranian activist, member of Iranian Socialist Unity and of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization.
We will discuss “ISIS Carnage in Paris Portends Repression in Europe and Intensified War in Middle East” by Kevin Anderson.
Islamophobia paints all Muslims with the same deeply prejudicial brush, claiming that all are actual or potential terrorists, and that therefore their lives must be subject to state control.
- Islamic fundamentalism is a sect that claims that all of human existence must be strictly controlled by self-proclaimed religious authorities in a totalitarian state.
- How can we develop insight into how both of these reactionary forces can be countered?
- What historical and sociocultural conditions have led to their development?
- What alternative conceptions and conditions can counteract both and lead to a more human world?