[London] The State of the World in 2022 – Global Capitalism, Nation States and Socialist Alternative
Socialism Reimagined
Developing a Marxist-Humanist Analysis of
an Alternative to Capitalism
A Public Series of Discussions Sponsored by
the International Marxist-Humanist Organisation
Major parts of Europe are today facing huge problems with adapting to an environmentally sustainable life, increasing wealth inequalities, sexism and racism, and an increased feeling of alienation. In this series of public meetings, we will explore various contemporary issues facing us today, and discuss them together, in light of key Marxist-Humanist ideas.
Meetings via ZOOM
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83507991057?pwd=OUJLOXlpSGhxeVZhMytCWTdwbTEwUT09
Passcode: 217630
Most suggested readings are available from the International Marxist-Humanist Organisation.
Session 1: The State of the World in 2022 – Global Capitalism, Nation States and Socialist Alternative
Date & Time: Monday, January 17 at 19:00 GMT/20:00 CET
Description: The Climate Crisis and Covid-19 make global co-operation more needful than ever, but around the world state-power rivalries are building up and divisive ideologies are on the rise. In this session, we will look at the stresses and strains within NATO and the EU, the danger of a new Cold War, the ambitions of rulers in China, India, Russia and elsewhere – and the prospects for internationalism from below.
Opening the discussion: Richard Abernethy
Session 2: Liberation from Oppressive Gender Norms! – Marx on Gender, and Recent Feminist Revolutions
Date & Time: Monday, February 7 at 19:00 GMT/20:00 CET
Description: How is today’s capitalism reshaping the gender norms and gender relations, and in what ways are ongoing struggles against sexism inspiring new forms of resistance to patriarchy? And is there anything in Marx’s writings that can inspire a new analysis?
Suggested Readings: Excerpt from Marx on Gender and the Family by Heather A. Brown.
Opening the discussion: Grace Scrimgeour & Jens Johansson
Session 3: A Planet at Risk – Ecosocialism and What “Sustainability” Really Means
Date & Time: Monday, February 28 at 19:00 GMT/20:00 CET
Description: TBA
Opening the discussion: Karel Ludenhoff