Support BCTWGM International Union Workers, Boycott Kellogg’s!

Dan Beltaigne

It’s time all of us stand with the union workers at Kellogg’s and boycott all Kellogg’s products till this battle is won! Issued as a Statement of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization on December 12 — Editors

Late Tuesday, December 7, 2021, in plants in Battle Creek, Michigan, Omaha, Nebraska, Lancaster, Nebraska, and Memphis, Tennessee, Kellogg’s in its most despicable move yet has permanently replaced 1,400 of its union workers, who have been on strike since October 5th. In this most recent wave of strikes nationwide when most of the major strikes have now been settled—the strike at John Deere as the most important example—this lockout stands as a moment in American labor and a challenge we cannot fail to meet.

This lockout cannot stand. The right to have a union is on the line in this fight. And this fight is not over!

This fight has now made it way to the National Labor Relations Board. While three out the five members of the Board are Democratic appointees, this is no guarantee of a favorable decision. And any decision will take some time, time union workers and their families don’t have. Members of the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers’ (BCTWGM) International Union are fighting for a living wage and affordable health coverage; they’re fighting to feed their families in this time of struggle; they’re fighting for decent working conditions and fairness.

And they’re fighting for all of us. Kellogg’s grossed $4 billion this past year with its CEO, Steve Cahillane, taking home nearly $12 million.

The time for justice is long overdue. It is time all of us send a clear, strong message to Kellogg’s to return to the bargaining table and negotiate a fair contract. It’s time Kellogg’s treats its employees like human beings. It’s time all of us stand with the union workers at Kellogg’s and boycott all Kellogg’s products till this battle is won!


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