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Chris Gilligan

May 9, 2023 Length: 2088 words 0 comments

Review of ‘Lenin, Hegel and Western Marxism: A Critical Study’

Summary: This review of the 2nd edition of Kevin Anderson’s ‘Lenin, Hegel and Western Marxism: A Critical Study’ was originally published in Marx & Philosophy Review of Books on May 3, 2023, here. — Editors

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Richard Abernethy

May 6, 2023 Length: 772 words 0 comments

May Day: International Workers’ Day 2023

Summary: A brief scan of some of the events of May Day 2023, around the world — Editors

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Damian Algabre

May 5, 2023 Length: 5352 words 0 comments

Automation: From Marx to Dunayevskaya and from Marcuse to Mason

Summary: Marx’s changes from the Grundrisse to Capital on the “automaton” and on machinery are connected to more recent Marxist debates over automation – Editors

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Richard Abernethy

May 3, 2023 Length: 713 words 0 comments

Long to Reign Over Us? Some Aspects of Monarchy and Capitalism in Britain

Summary: Will this be the last coronation? A look at the British monarchy, its strengths, stresses, and challenges — Editors

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Lalan Kishor Singh

April 29, 2023 Length: 568 words 0 comments

Talk from the Heart, Save the Loved Ones—On May Day 2023

Summary: This is a flyer produced by a rank-and-file worker in India in response to the commemoration of May Day.

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S. D. Roy

April 25, 2023 Length: 3288 words 1 comments

‘Modi has the Blood of India on his Hand, We Need Poorna Swaraj [Total Freedom]!’: All Power to the People

Summary: Based on a report from India to the July IMHO Convention, Chicago, July 2022 — Editors

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Derek Lewis

April 18, 2023 Length: 2613 words 0 comments

Florida, A Model for U.S. Fascism

Summary: Discussion of the tendency toward fascism seen in Florida under Governor Ron DeSantis (R), a Republican controlled legislature, and a conservative Supreme Court — Editors

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Jens Johansson

April 17, 2023 Length: 410 words 0 comments

Wildcat Rail Strike in Stockholm

Summary: Wildcat strike vs. job cuts imposed by both right and center left — Editors

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Ndindi Kitonga

April 11, 2023 Length: 3883 words 0 comments

Justice for Edwin Chiloba and Queer feminism in Kenya: An interview with Kenyan feminist, Afrika

Summary: This interview was conducted in response horrific murder of Kenyan LGBTQ activist Edwin Chiloba. Ndindi Kitonga and Afrika discuss the East African response to Chiloba’s murder, queerphobia in our communities, the creative organizing work of queer feminists across Kenya, and what international solidarity with queer organizers in Africa could mean – Editors

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Sam Friedman,
Peter Hudis

April 11, 2023 Length: 5435 words 0 comments

Dialogue on Marx’s Concept of Organization and its Meaning for Today

Summary: This discussion in February 2023 on the relation between spontaneity, organization and philosophy takes off from the chapter, “Political Organization,” in The Marx Revival, edited by Marcello Musto (Cambridge University Press, 2020) – Editors

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Richard Abernethy

April 10, 2023 Length: 799 words 0 comments

Mass Protests in Israel. What Next?

Summary: A diverse mass movement has confronted Israel’s far-right government, with some temporary success. What are the prospects, for Israelis and Palestinians? — Editors

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Sam Friedman

April 10, 2023 Length: 273 words 1 comments

Two Poems on the Alternative

Summary: Two poems on possible futures and the alternative to capitalism — Editors

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Karel Ludenhoff

April 5, 2023 Length: 2578 words 0 comments

Germany’s Nationwide Strike Reveals Class and Environmental Dimensions

Summary: On the March 28 nationwide warning strike against wage theft and for better working conditions, and on efforts toward joint action with climate activists – Editors

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Kevin B. Anderson

April 4, 2023 Length: 3211 words 0 comments

French Strikes and Popular Mobilizations Continue, Contesting Not Only Retirement Rollback, But Also Police Brutality and Authoritarian Politics

Entering their third month, mass labor mobilizations against increasing the retirement age to 64 are encompassing a wider agenda, and wider social sectors, especially the youth — Editors

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Seamus Connolly

April 4, 2023 Length: 1439 words 0 comments

Biggest Wave of UK Industrial Action in a Decade

The current wave of industrial action that has swept the UK since June of 2022 reached a peak of sorts in 2023, capping off the biggest mobilization in a generation. — Editors

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