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Aye Richi

March 18, 2014 Length: 1906 words 0 comments

Voluntarism & Humanism: Revisiting Dunayevskaya’s Critique of Mao

Informed by Dunayevskaya’s discussion of voluntarism and humanism as two kinds of subjectivity, this article analyzes the People’s Communes, the Cultural Revolution, and the Hundred Flowers Movement in China under Mao Zedong – Editors

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Richard Abernethy

March 16, 2014 Length: 412 words 0 comments

On the Death of Tony Benn

We recall an encounter with Tony Benn, a leading figure on the left of Britain’s Labour Party, who died aged 88 on 14 March 2014 – Editors

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Kevin B. Anderson

March 14, 2014 Length: 1037 words 0 comments

Critique of the Black Bloc

A review of Shutting Down the Streets: Political Violence and Social Control in the Global Era, by Amory Starr, Luis Fernandez, and Christian Scholl (New York University Press, 2011). This is the author’s original version of an article that appeared in Contemporary Sociology (March 2014) – Editors

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Richard Greeman

February 26, 2014 Length: 2343 words 5 comments

[Discussion Article] Ukraine, Coup or Revolution?

The Ukrainian uprising raises questions concerning different kinds of democracy, nationalism and internationalism, types of imperialism and capitalism, and the dangers of ethnic conflict and neoliberal capitalism. Comments especially welcome — Editors

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Barbara Epstein

February 25, 2014 Length: 6848 words 1 comments

On the Disappearance of Socialist Humanism

Socialist humanism emerged out of discussions of Marx’s 1844 Manuscripts in the late fifties and early sixties due to hopes for the democratization of the Soviet bloc, but it lost traction within the left in the late sixties and early seventies due to the Vietnam War and the resulting rising influence of Maoism. There is still a great deal to be learned from the socialist humanist tradition (A slightly different version was published in Spain in Brumaria 22, Revolution and Subjectivity, 2010) – Editors

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Marija Krtolica,
Karel Ludenhoff,
Dale Parsons

December 10, 2013 Length: 9895 words 1 comments

Marx and the Alternative to Capitalism: A Review Symposium

Three reviews of Peter Hudis’s new book Marx’s Concept of the Alternative to Capitalism – Editors

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Independent antiwar activists and intellectuals

November 20, 2013 Length: 913 words 0 comments

Open Letter to the Stop the War Coalition

We reprint here a statement by independent antiwar activists and intellectuals protesting the British Stop the War Coalition’s scandalous decision to invite Assad regime apologist Mother Superior Agnes Mariam de la Croix to speak at their “International Anti-War Conference.”  We protest the fact that de la Croix has also been invited to speak in Los Angeles and elsewhere under similarly false pretenses  – Editors.

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Kevin B. Anderson

October 28, 2013 Length: 19 words 0 comments

[Video] Casting a Critical Eye on Foucault’s Concept of Resistance, in Light of Marcuse and Marx

IMHO member Kevin Anderson spoke at Black Coffee Coop in Seattle’s Capitol Hill neighborhood on Monday Oct. 28th, 2013. His lecture, entitled, “Casting a Critical Eye on Foucault’s Concept of Resistance, in Light of Marcuse and Marx,” was presented by the West Coast Chapter of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization and the Commoners’ Club, and attracted an audience of over thirty workers and activists.

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Peter Hudis

October 20, 2013 Length: 2773 words 0 comments

A Land of Boundless Possibilities: Comments for Panel Discussion on ‘New Editions of Rosa Luxemburg’s Work’

Peter Hudis, co-editor of the Letters of Rosa Luxemburg and of her Complete Works, discusses the theorist’s invaluable legacy in the context of Verso’s English publication of her Complete Works. The following speech was written for the International Conference on Rosa Luxemburg, held in Paris 4 and 5 October 2013. The text first appeared on the website of Verso Books. – Editors.

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Ben Watson

October 13, 2013 Length: 4451 words 0 comments

Raya Dunayevskaya and Her Legacy: A Review of Peter Hudis, Marx’s Concept of the Alternative to Capitalism

Out To Lunch: Ben Watson is host of weekly radio show Late Lunch With Out To Lunch on Resonance FM: London’s Arts Station. He is also author of Adorno For Revolutionaries. The following article first appeared on the website Unkant — Editors

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Dr. Lenore Daniels

September 26, 2013 Length: 2705 words 0 comments

Have You Had Enough of the Madness of Capitalism? Is It Time To Consider What Marx Really Said?

This discussion of Peter Hudis’s Marx’s Concept of the Alternative to Capitalism connects it to the struggles of African-Americans and workers in the U.S., especially since the economic crisis.  Originally appeared in OpEdNews, – Editors

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Michael Pugliese

September 15, 2013 Length: 1974 words 0 comments

The U.S. Left and Syria

Past and present alignments of sectors of the anti-imperialist left impede effective analysis and solidarity with the Syrian people. Presented to the West Coast Chapter of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization – Editors

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