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Richard Abernethy

July 26, 2016 Length: 754 words 1 comments

Coup and Counter-coup in Turkey

Summary: Since the failure of a military coup against him, Turkey’s President Erdogan has launched a coup of his own, clamping down hard on all opposition — Editors

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Maati Monjib

July 26, 2016 Length: 599 words 0 comments

Morocco: Mohammed VI: 17 years and counting

Summary: Escalating political repression in Morocco under the rule of King Mohammed VI makes this a crucial moment to solidarize with human rights activists and freedom fighters being targeted by the government, which includes the author, Maati Monjib — Editors

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David Black

July 17, 2016 Length: 5125 words 1 comments

[Discussion Article] On the Perils of Populism: Brexit, the Left and the EU

Summary: This article is based on a presentation for the 2016 convention of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization on Philosophic Perspectives on Anti-Capitalism  – Editors

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Shannon Brincat,
Damian Gerber

July 7, 2016 Length: 6807 words 0 comments

Dialectical Tensions: Marcuse, Dunayevskaya and the Problems of the Age

Summary: This article explores Raya Dunayevskaya and Herbert Marcuse’s humanism and dialectics, arguing in favour of the former’s open and negative conception of dialectical possibilities. A slightly different version appeared in Thesis Eleven No. 134 (2016) — Editors

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Stacey Haugen

July 6, 2016 Length: 2260 words 0 comments

You Don’t Know Helen: The Overlooked and Forgotten Contributions of Helen Macfarlane

Summary: Explores the life and work of Helen Macfarlane, early translator of the Communist Manifesto, labor activist, and radical journalist, who almost disappeared from the historical record until recently — Editors

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Richard Abernethy

June 19, 2016 Length: 448 words 1 comments

Bettany Hughes on Marx: Genius of the Modern World

Summary: Critical review of the recent BBC documentary on Marx, with particular attention to the flawed depiction of his later years as ones of bourgeois respectability. Link to broadcast is HERE   — Editors

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Dale Heckerman

May 28, 2016 Length: 4843 words 0 comments

A Critical Review of Jeremy Brecher’s Strike!

Summary: The new expanded edition of Brecher’s Strike! is a monumental contribution to labor history. This review discusses the book’s revolutionary qualities, while also questioning its treatment of the IWW and most importantly, of the intersectionality of race and class — Editors

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Sandra Rein

May 26, 2016 Length: 5 words 0 comments

[Video] Luxemburg Saw Reform as a Means and Revolution as the Goal

Summary: From plenary panel at Left Forum, New York, on “Rosa Luxemburg: Reform or Revolution?” that also featured Chris Hedges and Richard Wolff, and moderated by Laura Flanders (20 mins.) — Editors

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Steering Committee of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization

April 17, 2016 Length: 5432 words 3 comments

Theoretical and Practical Perspectives for Overcoming Capitalism

Summary: This statement on the current situation was drafted on March 27 in preparation for our international gathering this summer. Because it covers a wide range of issues pertinent to the global revolutionary movement, we have decided to make it public now — Editors

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Peter Hudis

April 16, 2016 Length: 13 words 1 comments

[Video] Why Frantz Fanon Matters to Today’s Struggles Against Racism and Imperialism

Summary: This lecture by Hudis on his 2015 book, Frantz Fanon, Philosopher of the Barricades, was presented to a March 13, 2016 meeting of the Los Angeles chapter of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization at the Westside Peace Center (60 minutes), here: part 1 of 2 and part 2 of 2 — Editors

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Alireza Kia

April 15, 2016 Length: 800 words 0 comments

Anti-Immigrant Hysteria and Islamophobia

Summary: Islamophobia and anti-immigrant hysteria in the U.S. are compared to George Wallace’s racist candidacy of the 1960s, and to the rise of Nazism. Today’s Trump campaign is taking place in an era of economic decline, however — Editors

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Kate Evans,
Peter Hudis,
Mirjam Zadoff

April 14, 2016 0 comments

[Audio] Red Rosa: Eagle of the Revolution

Summary: Kate Evans, co-author (with Paul Buhle) of Red Rosa: A Graphic Biography; Peter Hudis, General Editor of Complete Works of Rosa Luxemburg; and Mirjam Zadoff of Indiana University — in conversation on March 8 2016  (International Women’s Day) on Doug Storm’s “Interchange” on radiofreeamerica (WFHB radio), Bloomington, Indiana (60 mins.), HERE — Editors.

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Khalfani Malik Khaldun

April 7, 2016 Length: 847 words 0 comments

The Impact of a Great Comrade: A Eulogy of Thanks for Mark Thiel

Summary: The recent death of Mark Thiel, a fighter for prisoner rights, racial justice, and an end to class society, calls us on to commemorate the work to which he dedicated his life. This is written by a New Afrikan political prisoner in Indiana whom we have supported for many years — Editors

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Kevin B. Anderson

March 27, 2016 Length: 1498 words 0 comments

Easter 1916 at 100: Its Marxian Dimension

Summary: Easter 1916 in Ireland was the first major anti-colonial uprising of the twentieth century, a harbinger of revolts across the colonial world. At the time, Marxists like Trotsky and Radek dismissed it as bourgeois nationalist in character, but Lenin saw it as an example of a new force on the world scene that could be an ally of the working classes against monopoly capital: national liberation movements against imperialism.  Originally appeared in Truthout, March 27, 2016 — Editors

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Richard Abernethy

March 5, 2016 Length: 2171 words 0 comments

Myanmar (Burma): Former dissidents, new government elect, fail to oppose ethno-religious persecution

Summary: As the National League for Democracy (NLD) takes over the government of Myanmar (Burma), its credentials as a force for freedom and human rights have been tested by the persecution of the Rohingya, a Muslim minority people in this predominantly Buddhist country. So far, the NLD is failing that test by not denouncing this religious and ethnic oppression or standing up for minority rights — Editors

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