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Dale Heckerman

October 31, 2016 Length: 1911 words 0 comments

The Function of Police Is to “Protect and Serve” Capital

Summary:  The death of a friend during a forced eviction is the indirect result of the militarization brought about by the racist “War on Drugs” — Editors

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Kohei Saito

October 26, 2016 Length: 36 words 0 comments

“Learning from Late Marx”

Summary: This review of the 2016 expanded edition Kevin Anderson’s Marx at the Margins: On Nationalism, Ethnicity, and Non-Western first appeared in Monthly Review, October 2016 — Editors

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Paulo Morel

October 17, 2016 Length: 5021 words 0 comments

The 2016 Coup d’État in Brazil

Summary: The background to the soft coup d’état wherein reactionary neoliberal forces overthrew the elected Workers’ Party government without resorting to the military is part of a pattern in Latin America; analyzes the last 60 years of Brazilian national life, laying bare the contradictions of bourgeois democracy, and pointing toward the revolutionary unrest that is sure to emerge in the long run — Editors

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Marcelo Mendez

October 14, 2016 Length: 7872 words 0 comments

Environmental Destruction, Capital Accumulation, and the Quest for a New Form of Life

Summary: A student activist contrasts the anti-capitalist writings of Naomi Klein and Joel Kovel by discussing the roots of environmental destruction in the drive for capital accumulation, also exploring the need for an eco-socialist alternative — Editors

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Alireza Kia

October 2, 2016 Length: 1085 words 1 comments

Thoughts about the U.S. Presidential Election and Its Consequences

Summary: On the danger represented by the racist, sexist, anti-immigrant Donald Trump, how economic hardship is driving some white workers toward him, and the need for a total uprooting of the system” — Editors

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Kohei Saito

October 1, 2016 Length: 2626 words 0 comments

Confining Marx to the Nineteenth Century: On Gareth Stedman Jones

Summary: A review of Gareth Stedman Jones, Karl Marx: Greatness and Illusion (Harvard, 2016), a well-researched biography that utilizes the Marx-Engels-Gesamtausgabe (MEGA). But its dismissive treatment of Marx’s critique of political economy and of his late writings on non-Western and precapitalist societies shows the book’s shortcomings, as Stedman Jones limits Marx’s legacy to the 19th century without discovering its power for today amid the global crisis of capitalism — Editors

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Kevin B. Anderson

September 15, 2016 Length: 5251 words 0 comments

Deep Contradictions Facing the Global Movement for Human Emancipation: In the Middle East, China, and Europe

Summary: Neither the old hierarchical organizational model nor the spontaneous self-organization one has found a form of philosophy and organization that can bring us to a positive, humanist alternative to the system. Based on a speech to the July 2016 Convention of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization, Chicago; first published in Logos: A Journal of Modern Society & Culture, Summer 2016  — Editors

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Lifted Voices

September 14, 2016 Length: 2017 words 1 comments

Support the Struggle at Standing Rock!

Summary: A powerful effort to prevent the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline has mobilized large sections of the Native American communities and supporters. Now is the time to make your voice heard in solidarity with this important movement — Editors

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Kevin B. Anderson

September 12, 2016 Length: 1436 words 0 comments

Lessons from the Arab Spring

Review of Morbid Symptoms: Relapse in the Arab Uprising, by Gilbert Achcar.  Originally appeared in Jacobin, Sept. 12, 2016 — Editors

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Simon Birnbaum

September 11, 2016 Length: 1906 words 0 comments

Review: Marx’s Concept of the Alternative to Capitalism

Summary: The following review of Peter Hudis’s book Marx’s Concept of the Alternative to Capitalism (Chicago: Haymarket Books, 2013) appeared in the German leftist periodical Sopos, here http://www.internationalmarxisthumanist.org/review/simon-birnbaum-marxsche-alternative-zum-kapitalismus-sopos-dec-2015 in December 2015. Many thanks to Manuela Kölke for the English translation — Editors

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Khalfani Malik Khaldun

August 31, 2016 Length: 757 words 0 comments

On National Prison Protest Day, Support the Struggle of Khalfani M. Khaldun!

Summary: Discusses the recent sending of political prisoner Khalfani M. Khaldun to solidarity confinement by prisconcrats attempting to silence the voice of this important thinker and activist. – Editors

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Peter Hudis

August 3, 2016 Length: 8723 words 3 comments

Marxist-Humanism’s Contribution to Developing Perspectives for Transcending Capitalism

Summary: Excerpt of a speech to the International Marxist-Humanist Organization Convention, Chicago, July 2-3, 2016. It addresses, with particular attention to Latin America and to Marx’s Critique of the Gotha Program, the urgent need to develop a viable alternative to capitalism that goes beyond critiques of neo-liberalism and beyond calls for a more “equitable” distribution of surplus value — Editors

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Ba Karang

August 2, 2016 Length: 5707 words 0 comments

Political Crises in Africa and the Globalization of Racism

Summary: The economic and political crisis of Africa today — especially in Angola, Gambia, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, and South Africa — is connected to ruthless exploitation by Euro-US and Middle Eastern capital, to the rise of fundmentalism, and to the migrant crisis in Europe — Editors

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Charles Reitz

August 1, 2016 Length: 7 words 0 comments

Review of Helen Macfarlane: Red Republican

Summary: On David Black’s edition of Helen Macfarlane’s writings, an insufficiently appreciated figure in the history of socialist humanism, whose unique vision was expounded in a largely unknown oeuvre during the 1850s. Originally published in Critical Research on Religion 4:2 (2016) (1500w) — Editors

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Jens Johansson

July 31, 2016 Length: 3574 words 0 comments

Race, Class, and Revolution: Some Marxist Reflections by a Student Activist

Summary: The materialist explanation of racism provides anti-racist activists with a powerful conceptual tool that demystifies racial thought and exposes unequal production relations hidden behind the idea of race. Referring to Oliver C. Cox, CLR James, and Raya Dunayevskaya, the author concludes that there are no hierarchies concerning which struggle is the most important, and that thingification of human relations is the prerequisite for race prejudice — Editors

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