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Karel Ludenhoff

March 18, 2017 Length: 583 words 0 comments

Dutch Elections: Another Repudiation of Rightwing Populism

Summary: Dutch elections repudiate populist Right and show gains by anti-populist left-of-centre parties, with the exception of the social democrats, who were discredited by their neoliberal policies — Editors

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Rehmah Sufi

March 17, 2017 Length: 900 words 0 comments

Feminism and Radical International Solidarity

Summary: Speech given to International Working Women’s Day rally, Chicago, Illinois, sponsored by the Socialist Party, March 8, 2017  — Editors

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Richard Abernethy

February 27, 2017 Length: 1334 words 0 comments

Two of a Kind: Rodrigo Duterte and Donald Trump

Summary: The new presidents of the Philippines and the United States are two of a kind, and part of a global reactionary trend — Editors

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Richard Greeman

February 21, 2017 Length: 836 words 6 comments

Behind the “Deep State Coup”

Summary: Notions of a “deep state” opposing Trump echo claims by the Putin regime; what is really happening is a split in the US ruling class that opens possibilities for the Left — Editors

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Lilia D. Monzó

February 1, 2017 Length: 2106 words 0 comments

Marx in the Age of Trump: Reaching Out to Communities of Color

Summary: Central to Marx’s philosophy of liberation is the struggle against ALL forms of oppression and exploitation, including racism, and sexism. Unfortunately, this call has been obscured by post-Marx Marxists and other leftists, leading many feminists and intellectuals of color to embrace non-Marxist theories. This has robbed us of the unity crucial to any real revolution. — Editors

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Sam Friedman

January 25, 2017 Length: 449 words 0 comments

Dialectics against Die-electics: Three Poems

Summary: Three poems… – Editors

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Solidarity Committees with Iranian Workers Movement Abroad

January 15, 2017 Length: 5 words 0 comments

Labor News from Iran

Summary: In Iran’s oppressive regime, freedom struggles and workers’ struggles converge. This is demonstrated in the latest issue of Alternative Workers’ News — Iran, which was recently sent to us and reports on current struggles by the labor and progressive social movements in that country – Editors

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Steering Committee of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization

January 14, 2017 Length: 560 words 0 comments

Build a Real Challenge to Capitalism in the Trump Era

Summary: The political realities that brought Trump to power are part of a worldwide trend reflecting the next stage of capitalism, struggling to reinvent itself yet again in the face of new economic and social realities– Editors

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Leo E.

January 5, 2017 Length: 749 words 0 comments

Protests in Los Angeles since the election: Thoughts of a Young Marxist-Humanist

Summary: Los Angeles protests see newly-politicized youth rallying around anti-Trumpism, but more political development is necessary — Editors

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Kevin B. Anderson

December 7, 2016 Length: 1158 words 0 comments

The Criminal Siege of Aleppo and Its Consequences

Summary: The criminal siege of Aleppo by Assad, Russia, and Iran is tacitly supported by the USA in the name of stability, and this offers important lessons for the Left, especially those opposing Trump. — Editors

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Karel Ludenhoff

December 6, 2016 Length: 440 words 0 comments

Austria: A Clear Repudiation of Far Right

Summary: Austria’s presidential election showed a repudiation of the Far Right, of xenophobia, and of Islamophobia, as well as the duplicity of the mainstream Austrian People’s Party — Editors

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Peter Hudis,
Sasha Lilley

November 29, 2016 Length: 3 words 0 comments

[Audio] Marx on Life After Capitalism

Summary: Capitalism appears to many to be a failed system. We’re also told that the alternative posed by Karl Marx is similarly bankrupt. As against the experience of the Soviet Union and China, Peter Hudis argues that freedom — including from a repressive state apparatus — was central to Marx’s concept of life after capitalism. Sasha Lilley interview with Peter Hudis on “Against the Grain,” KPFK-FM, Pacifica Radio (1 hr) — Editors

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Kevin B. Anderson

November 21, 2016 Length: 2015 words 1 comments

The Trump Election: Mourn, Reflect, and Organize

Summary: Open misogyny, Islamophobia, and especially the attack on aspects of neoliberalism distinguish Trump from previous US conservatives who have played to racism and nativism. This calls for a rethinking even by those on the Left who have targeted class and neoliberalism — Editors

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Peter Hudis

November 10, 2016 Length: 1656 words 1 comments

Trump’s Election: Capitalism’s Dangerous Turn Toward Open Racism and Misogyny

Summary: The freedom movements in the U.S., and indeed around the world, have been dealt a tremendous blow with the election of Donald Trump as President of the U.S. As we absorb the significance of this development and prepare to respond to it on the basis of firm Marxist-Humanist principles, there are several points that I think may be worthwhile to keep in mind — Editors

Adopted on Nov. 17, 2016, as a Statement of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization

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Richard Greeman

November 1, 2016 Length: 1734 words 0 comments

Behind the Demonstrations in Morocco

Summary: The oppressive rule of King Mohammed VI of Morocco has experienced new challenges from the below on the eve of the COP 22 global environmental conference in Marrakesh — Editors

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