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Mario Kessler

June 20, 2017 Length: 1582 words 0 comments

Only The Strongest Fight Throughout Their Entire Lives:” Theodor Bergmann Has Died

Summary: This tribute to an inspiring revolutionary, who recently passed from the scene after more than eight decades of tireless theoretical and practical devotion to a creative Marxism, was first published in German by historian Mario Kessler in Neues Deutschland, English trans. by Axel Fair-Schulz — Editors

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Ian Angus,
Peter Hudis,
Paul Kellogg

June 18, 2017 0 comments

Debate on Marx and the Alternative to Capitalism

Summary: Two reviews of Marx’s Concept of the Alternative to Capitalism (2012) by Ian Angus and Paul Kellogg, with a response by the author, Peter Hudis.  This article was originally published in Socialist Studies/Études socialistes, Vol. 11:1, Winter 2016 –Editors

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June 12, 2017 0 comments

Alternative Worker News from Inside Iran

Summary: We are posting this issue of Alternative Workers News-Iran, which covers issues including the May Day demonstration of the Syndicate of Bus Drivers–Editors

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Friends and Family Campaign to Free Khalfani Malik Khaldun

May 26, 2017 Length: 606 words 0 comments

Freedom Has Never Been Free: 30 Years Later

Summary: This is a crucial moment to show solidarity with an important political prisoner who has never ceased his struggle for a new, human society during 30 years of incarceration. Please contribute to the campaign to Appeal his unjust conviction. — Editors

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Kevin B. Anderson

May 20, 2017 Length: 1742 words 0 comments

Slavery, War, and Revolution

Summary: In his discussions of race, class, and revolution, Marx wrestled with many of the issues that plague today’s left. This review of Marx and Engels, The Civil War in the United States, second edition, ed. Andrew Zimmerman, originally appeared in Jacobin — Editors

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Chris Gardner

May 18, 2017 Length: 2105 words 0 comments

Logic of the Bomb

Summary: The “Mother of All Bombs” shocked onlookers when it was dropped on eastern Afghanistan, but behind this singular spectacle is a long history of imperial powers using occupations to test military weapons and develop new strategies of terror. — Editors

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Hamid Assian

May 4, 2017 Length: 2888 words 0 comments

Trump’s First 100 Days and the Fascist Potential

Summary: Trump’s reactionary moves since his inauguration, with special emphasis on his racist, anti-immigrant, Islamophobic, misogynist, and environment-destroying actions; first presented at an International Marxist-Humanist Organization meeting in Los Angeles on “Retheorizing Fascism in the Trump Era” — Editors

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Kevin B. Anderson

April 14, 2017 Length: 1332 words 2 comments

The Imperialist Logic Behind Trump’s Attack on Syria in the Wake of Assad Regime War Crimes

Summary: Trump’s bombing of a Syrian airbase does not change the overall logic of US imperialist policy in the region, although his bellicose words and actions heighten the risk of a major war there or in northeast Asia — Editors

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Karel Ludenhoff

April 14, 2017 Length: 4429 words 1 comments

In the Ocean of Crisis: Right-wing Populism and Awakening Fascism vs. Marxist-Humanism and Freedom

Summary: Examines right-wing populism and its similarities/differences with fascism, and the relationship of both to economic crisis, both today and in the writings of Trotsky, Grossmann, Sohn-Rethel, and Dunayevskaya; considered in light of the need to overcome the capital relation in favor of humanism and freedom — Editors

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Raya Dunayevskaya

April 13, 2017 Length: 2269 words 0 comments

Philosophy, “Life-Style” and U.S. Workers

Summary — Raya Dunayevskaya, in 1970, critiques the illusions of the counter-cultural “Woodstock nation,” and calls for a coalescence of the objective and subjective forces needed for social revolution — Editors

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Peter Hudis

April 12, 2017 Length: 4995 words 0 comments

The Brotherwise Dispatch vs Peter Hudis

Summary: Interview with Peter Hudis highlights the guiding threads in the thought and activity of Frantz Fanon as a humanist and anti-racist beacon in the battle of ideas and the struggle for an alternative to capitalism. Also addresses contradictions within Marxist-Humanism in the US. Orig. appeared in The Brotherwise Dispatch, Dec. 2016-Feb. 2017–Editors

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Lilia D. Monzó

March 31, 2017 Length: 12034 words 0 comments

Women and Revolution: Marx and the Dialectic

Summary: A class struggle that is anti-sexist, anti-racist, and against all forms of oppression is central to Marx’s philosophy of revolution and the development of a new humanism. The force and reason of women of color are especially crucial to this process. First appeared in Knowledge Cultures 4:6 (2016) — Editors

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Kevin B. Anderson

March 30, 2017 Length: 6003 words 2 comments

Marx’s Intertwining of Race and Class During the Civil War in the U.S.

Summary: Marx wrote on how enslaved Blacks, white US and British workers, and Abolitionist and socialist intellectuals interacted during what amounted to a second American Revolution. Author’s last version of article in Journal of Classical Sociology 17:1 — via escholarship  — Editors

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Kevin B. Anderson,
Alexander Reid Ross,
Javier Sethness

March 25, 2017 Length: 23 words 0 comments

[Video] From Marx and Bakunin in the First International through the Russian Revolution

Summary: Panel discussion at the Orange County (LA area) Anarchist Book Fair, with two anarchists and one Marxist-Humanist — Editors

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Robert Spencer

March 20, 2017 Length: 1934 words 0 comments

Why We Need Marxist-Humanism Now

Summary: Counterposes antihumanist positions in Foucault and others, arguing for a revival of Marxist humanism. First appeared in the Pluto Press blog, Feb. 27, 2017 — Editors

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