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Natália de Oliveira

May 28, 2021 Length: 2663 words 0 comments

Concerning the Most Recent Massacre in Rio de Janeiro: Yes, Another One

Summary: Discusses the consequences of racism in Brazil and how racism is deeply intertwined in capitalism – Editors.

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Hector Salazar

May 24, 2021 Length: 3619 words 1 comments

Honduras, Immigration, and the Decline of the U.S. Empire

Summary: The manufactured “crisis” of immigration being touted by the press in light of tens of thousands of Central American refugees seeking asylum at the U.S.-Mexico border makes this an important moment to review the roots of the present situation and the Biden Administration’s response to it – Editors.

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David Black

May 19, 2021 Length: 979 words 0 comments

Israel’s Murderous War on the Palestinians Exposes US ‘Normalization’ of the Middle East

Summary: Israel’s brutal war against Palestinians, including the pogroms in Israeli cities, in the context of US imperial machinations – Editors

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Regletto Aldrich Imbong,
Mari Elise Gwyneth Lim

May 5, 2021 Length: 3607 words 0 comments

The Militarization of a Pandemic and the Struggle for Peace

Summary: The response by the Philippine state to the COVID-19 pandemic has led to ever-greater militarization and repression by President Duterte. Its impact is detailed in this article by two leftwing scholars and activists – Editors

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Aindrias Ó Cathasaigh

April 22, 2021 Length: 3334 words 0 comments

[Discussion Article] The Second Thoughts of Engels on the State

The writings of Engels on the state exhibit ambiguities, some of which have curiously escaped notice, but Marxist thought can ill afford to ignore them – Editors

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Kevin B. Anderson

April 18, 2021 Length: 1546 words 2 comments

Remembering the Arab Spring… or Arabic as the Language of 21st Century Revolution

Summary: We should not forget the achievements or the global impact of the Arab revolutions of 2011 — Editors

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April 17, 2021 Length: 468 words 0 comments

Call for Solidarity with DOXA

Call to support the Russian journal DOXA, whose editors were arrested by Russian authorities — Editors

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Damian Algabre

April 14, 2021 Length: 4051 words 0 comments

Revisiting Dunayevskaya on Women’s Liberation for Women’s History Month: Marx’s Philosophy and Queer Struggle

Summary: A reflection on Chapter 8 of Dunayevskaya’s Rosa Luxemburg, Women’s Liberation, and Marx’s Philosophy of Revolution and the lessons it holds for today’s revolutionaries – Editors

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Gilbert Achcar

April 6, 2021 Length: 2255 words 0 comments

Their anti-imperialism and ours

Some on the left deny the existence of any forms of imperialism besides those of the U.S. and its allies, and thus fail to support or even oppose valid liberatory or democratic movements.
First appeared in The Nation, April 6, 2021, here https://www.thenation.com/article/politics/anti-imperialism-syria-progressive/ — Editors

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Syrian writers and intellectuals and others who stand in solidarity with them

March 27, 2021 Length: 4118 words 2 comments

Erasing People through Disinformation: Syria and the “Anti-Imperialism” of Fools

Summary: Disreputable writers and outlets, often operating under the aegis of “independent journalism” with purportedly “leftwing” views, are spreading corrosive propaganda and disinformation that aims to strip Syrians of political agency. First appeared in English in New Politics Online https://newpol.org/erasing-people-through-disinformation-syria-and-the-anti-imperialism-of-fools/ — Editors

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Rédaction Africa News

March 23, 2021 Length: 82 words 0 comments

Case of Maati Monjib: Moroccan dissident historian provisionally released from prison

Summary: We celebrate socialist Maati Monjib’s release and will continue to defend him against regime repression — Editors

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Paulo Freire Democratic Project

March 21, 2021 Length: 376 words 1 comments

We Stand in Solidarity with Asian and Asian American Communities

Summary: Statement of solidarity by Paulo Freire Democratic Project, Chapman University, California, in response to the racist, misogynist murders in Atlanta. Originally appeared here https://www.chapman.edu/education/centers-and-partnerships/paulo-freire/index.aspx — Editors

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Lilia D. Monzó

March 21, 2021 Length: 1069 words 0 comments

On Kevin Anderson’s New Book on Dialectics

Summary: Introductory remarks at the book launch for Kevin B. Anderson, Dialectics of Revolution: Hegel, Marxism and Its Critics Through a Lens of Race, Class, Gender, and Colonialism– Editors

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Chris Aquino

March 19, 2021 Length: 550 words 0 comments

Murder in California by Riverside County Sheriffs Sparks Protests

Summary: Protests outside Los Angeles after deputies working under rightwing Riverside County Sheriff Chad Bianco murder an Indigenous/Brown man who was having a mental health episode — Editors

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Ndindi Kitonga,
Sheila L. Macrine,
Kevin Russel Magill,
Arturo Rodriguez

March 16, 2021 Length: 5812 words 0 comments

Book Review: Lilia D. Monzó’s “A Revolutionary Subject: Pedagogy of Women of Color and Indigeneity”

A Book review symposium on Lilia D. Monzó’s “A Revolutionary Subject: Pedagogy of Women of Color and Indigeneity” (2019, Peter Lang Publishing) by Kitonga, Macrine, Magill, and Rodriguez. Originally appeared in Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies (April 5, 2021) here: http://www.jceps.com/archives/8274 — Editors

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