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Derek Lewis

September 27, 2021 Length: 1696 words 0 comments

The Young Left and the Young Marx

Summary: Thoughts of a young Marxist-Humanist — Editors

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Kevin B. Anderson

September 21, 2021 Length: 3442 words 1 comments

Afghanistan – Don’t Look Away: A Crisis for the Whole of Humanity

Summary: The defeat of the U.S. and the seizure of power by the Taliban mark a real turning point. This reveals both imperialism and fundamentalism as obstacles to human emancipation at a time when Afghan women are leading the resistance. First appeared in New Politics Online (https://newpol.org/afghanistan-dont-look-away-a-crisis-for-the-whole-of-humanity/) — Editors

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Rodrigo Maiolini Rebello Pinho

September 3, 2021 Length: 19787 words 0 comments

The Originality of Marx’s French Edition of Capital: An Historical Analysis

Summary: Using recently published correspondence, the 1872-75 French edition of Capital, Vol. I, for which Marx rewrote numerous passages, is shown to be the version he saw as the basis for all future editions. Engels’s preference for the previous German editions distorts the “standard” editions of the work to this day — Editors

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Kristopher Baumgartner

September 1, 2021 Length: 868 words 1 comments

Afghan Solidarity Demonstration in Los Angeles

Summary: Women-led demonstration expresses solidarity with Afghan people vs. both Taliban and US empire, underlining resistance — Editors

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John Corazon

August 26, 2021 Length: 985 words 1 comments

U.S. Debacle in Afghanistan

Summary: The fall of Afghanistan is an even more spectacular defeat of the U.S. and its allies than that of Vietnam in 1975 – Editors.

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Stephen Campbell

August 10, 2021 Length: 3542 words 0 comments

Dialectics over positivism for an intersectional Marxism

Review essay of Ashley J. Bohrer’s book “Marxism and Intersectionality,” and “Raya Dunayevskaya’s Intersectional Marxism” edited by Kevin B. Anderson, Kieran Durkin & Heather A. Brown. Originally appeared in Dialectical Anthropology (April 2021), here: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10624-021-09625-6 — Editors

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Peter Hudis

July 28, 2021 Length: 2234 words 2 comments

The Attack on Voting Rights – a Test for Everyone on the Left

Summary: The ongoing effort to disenfranchise Black, Latinx, and Native American voters poses a serious test as to whether the socialist Left will mobilize against this serious threat to the very existence of what remains of political democracy in the U.S. — Editors

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Kevin B. Anderson

July 27, 2021 Length: 1798 words 1 comments

Paul Mason’s Socialist Humanist Manifesto

Summary: Mason’s Clear Bright Future critiques the culture and politics of cyber-capitalism and the fascist threat, offering a humanist alternative to both — Editors

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Damian Algabre

July 26, 2021 Length: 1257 words 0 comments

Report on Mini-Conference on Raya Dunayevskaya’s Intersectional Marxism

Summary: On the first-ever conference on Raya Dunayevskaya’s work–Editors

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Sam Friedman,
Danny Katch

July 19, 2021 Length: 2179 words 0 comments

Activism Made AIDS Treatment More Accessible — That’s What It’ll Take for COVID

Summary: In this interview, a leading AIDS researcher discusses why both AIDS and COVID have disproportionately hit poor people of color, and why people who rightfully mistrust pharmaceutical executives should still believe in the effectiveness of their vaccines. Copyright, Truthout and reprinted with permission. Originally appeared here https://truthout.org/articles/activism-made-aids-treatment-more-accessible-thats-what-itll-take-for-covid/ on June 13, 2021 — Editors

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Hands Off the People of Iran

July 14, 2021 Length: 1170 words 2 comments

Iran: Workers unite in huge protest

A strike that started amongst one section of oil workers in southern Iran has spread to all oil exploration, refinery and petrochemical plants in the country, and is gaining widespread support from other workers too. Here, we publish the striking workers’ statement – Editors.

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Peter Hudis

July 13, 2021 Length: 3104 words 4 comments

Raya Dunayevskaya’s Marxist Humanism and the Alternative to Capitalism

The Russian-born thinker Raya Dunayevskaya was an important and influential figure on the US radical left. At an early stage, she recognized the need to combine struggles against racism and capitalism — two oppressive structures that were intimately linked. Originally appeared in Jacobin Magazine, here: https://www.jacobinmag.com/2021/06/raya-dunayevskaya-marxist-humanism-anti-racism-capitalism-alienation

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Kevin B. Anderson,
Heather A. Brown,
Sevgi Doğan,
Kieran Durkin,
Barbara Epstein,
Lewis Gordon,
Peter Hudis,
Ndindi Kitonga,
Paul Mason,
Lilia D. Monzó,
Rhaysa Ruas,
Alessandra Spano

July 10, 2021 Length: 464 words 0 comments

Mini-Conference: Debating Raya Dunayevskaya’s Intersectional Marxism

Summary: Recordings of the three panels discussing various aspects of Raya Dunayevskaya’s intersectional Marxism. Presentations by Lewis Gordon, Barbara Epstein, Paul Mason, Kevin B. Anderson, and many more – Editors.

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Damian Algabre

June 26, 2021 Length: 1495 words 0 comments

No Cops at Pride! Community, Liberation, and Abolition Undergird Pride in 2021

Summary: Musings on the history of Pride, police brutality, and the anti-capitalist turn in Pride in the time of COVID-19 – Editors.

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Richard Abernethy

June 6, 2021 Length: 1125 words 0 comments

Colombia: Revolt in the Time of Coronavirus

Summary: In a land of staggering inequality, mass protests by grassroots organisations stay strong in the face of violent repression.

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