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Kevin B. Anderson

November 21, 2021 Length: 776 words 2 comments

Kenosha Trial Gives Fascists Open Season on Black Lives Matter and the Left

Summary: The November 19 Kenosha verdict is a racist, reactionary outrage and a big step forward for those scheming for a fascist society. Issued as a Statement of the Steering Committee of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization, and, on December 1, voted a Statement of the IMHO. See also our previous Statement on the fascist threat in the U.S., after the January 6 attack in Washington, DC: This Was No Joke—Trump’s Attempted Coup Against Democracy on January 6 — Editors

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E. San Juan Jr.

November 17, 2021 Length: 4937 words 0 comments

[Discussion Article] Judgment Day in the Killing Fields of the Philippines

Summary: Authoritarianism, neocolonialism, and violence in the Philippines, in the context of neoliberalism and Covid-19 – Editors.

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Tòmas MacAilpein

November 9, 2021 Length: 1264 words 0 comments

COP26 Glasgow – Internationalism and Resistance

Summary: A Glasgow activist reports on his experience of taking part in protests, meetings and talks: ‘Each day there is a bewildering number of events and actions as part of a coming together of Scottish, UK and international climate activists.’ – Editors

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The Sudanese Workers Alliance for the Restoration of Trade Unions

November 2, 2021 Length: 859 words 0 comments

Sudan: Workers call for unity, solidarity against the coup

Summary: Here, we are republishing a statement of Sudanese workers in solidarity with the people of Sudan, opposing the coup led by army chief General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan. First appeared on the website of Green Left, here: https://www.greenleft.org.au/content/sudan-workers-call-unity-solidarity-against-coup — Editors

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Ali and comrades hold a blue banner that says "Down with the Islamic Republic of Iran."

Alireza Kia

October 27, 2021 Length: 1238 words 3 comments

In Memory of Ali Kiani (Kambiz Rafie)

Summary: We mourn the passing of an Iranian Marxist, revolutionary, and true humanist — Editors

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A farmer holds a sign saying "No Farmer, No Food: Shame On Modi" in front of a crowd of other protesting farmers

Sushanta D. Roy

October 27, 2021 Length: 2712 words 0 comments

Neo-Fascism and Capitalism: Twin Realities of India Today

Summary: India’s Modi regime has moved toward fascism with Islamophobia, repression of the farmers, and failed COVID-19 and economic policies — Editors

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Peter Hudis,

October 26, 2021 Length: 349 words 0 comments

[Video] This is Revolution: The Legacy of Frantz Fanon

Summary: Interview with Peter Hudis about the Legacy of Frantz Fanon — Editors

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David Black

October 21, 2021 Length: 1405 words 0 comments

‘Another Language’ – How Walt Whitman’s Poetry Came to England

Summary: Walt Whitman’s poetry was first published outside the United States in 1850 by the most radical tendency of the English Chartist movement who embraced the ideas of Karl Marx – Editors

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he Left party (Die Linke) faction co-chairman in the German parliament Bundestag and top candidate for the upcoming Federal Elections Dietmar Bartsch speaks during a press conference at the party’s headquarters in Berlin, Germany, 6 September 2021.

Karel Ludenhoff

October 20, 2021 Length: 2420 words 0 comments

Where is Germany Going? What ‘Awakening’? What Renewal?

Summary: Some considerations about the recent German elections and a remarkable election result in Austria – Editors.

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Tòmas MacAilpein

October 20, 2021 Length: 2059 words 0 comments

[Discussion Article] Paul Mason on the Fascist Threat – An Anarchist Critique

Summary: Should the Left unite with the Centre – or the so-called progressive bourgeoisie – against fascism? Thoughts from a critical anarchist — Editors

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Richard Abernethy

October 18, 2021 Length: 442 words 1 comments

Tommie Smith Interview Recalls 1968 Olympic Protest

Summary: In a recent interview, Tommie Smith spoke of his early life, his historic protest with John Carlos at the Mexico City Olympic Games in 1968, and its consequences. Here, a link to the article, and a reprint of what Marxist-Humanists wrote about it at the time – Editors.

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Paulo Morel

October 14, 2021 Length: 405 words 0 comments

Oppose the Visit of Sergio Moro to the University of Chicago

Summary: The Oct. 13 speech of Sergio Moro at the University of Chicago, a reactionary Brazilian judge who was instrumental in enabling neo-fascist Jair Bolsonaro to become President of Brazil, should be condemned and opposed by everyone — Editors

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Derek Lewis

October 10, 2021 Length: 736 words 0 comments

The Orange County Oil Spill and Human Alienation from Nature

Summary: Oil Spill off the Coast of Orange County, California, USA — Editors

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September 28, 2021 Length: 1863 words 0 comments

Tangping (“Lying Flat”): The Latest Rallying Call of the Chinese Workers?

Summary: “Lying Flat” movement of Chinese youth attacks capitalist culture — Editors

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