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Kevin B. Anderson

March 23, 2022 0 comments

[VIDEO] “Marx Nas Margens” Interview with Kevin Anderson

Kevin B. Anderson discusses Marx Nas Margens (2019 Brazilian Portuguese publication of Marx at the Margins) and more with TV A Comuna. –Editors

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E.A.S.T. (Essential Autonomous Struggles Transnational)

March 9, 2022 Length: 1330 words 1 comments

A Feminist Reconstruction: Essential Demands for 8 March and Beyond

Summary: This manifesto first appeared on Transnational Social Strike Platform (TSS). We reprint it here with their permission. You can read the original post here: https://www.transnational-strike.info/2022/02/11/a-feminist-reconstruction-essential-demands-for-8m-and-beyond/ – Editors.

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Ernesto Valdez

March 9, 2022 Length: 3870 words 0 comments

The US’s Youth Mental Health Crisis: A Plea for a Better Answer

Summary: An educator’s response to the youth mental health crisis in the US and insight into the shortcomings of the national response – Editors

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Lalan Kishor Singh

March 8, 2022 Length: 2093 words 2 comments

India: Women in Red-Light Areas and the Working Class

Summary: A rank-and-file worker discusses organizing among sex workers in India and its implications for social transformation – Editors

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Eileen Grace

March 8, 2022 Length: 2595 words 0 comments

What the Pandemic Has Taught Us About Gender

The Covid pandemic brings into focus how the distinction between productive and reproductive labour oppresses women – Editors

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Gilbert Achcar

February 27, 2022 Length: 910 words 0 comments

A Memorandum on the Radical Anti‑Imperialist Position Regarding the War in Ukraine

Summary: Thoughts on what a radical anti-imperialist position really means. First appeared here: https://anticapitalistresistance.org/a-memorandum-on-the-radical-anti-imperialist-position-regarding-the-war-in-ukraine/ – Editors.

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February 25, 2022 Length: 1219 words 0 comments

LeftEast Condemns Putin’s Imperial War Against Ukraine

Summary: Here, we are reposting a statement on the Russian invasion of Ukraine, written by the LeftEast collective. First appeared here: https://lefteast.org/lefteast-condemns-putins-imperial-war-against-ukraine/?fbclid=IwAR0LhlFS0ihC5L9Vcn0N2-ruKdZA6FHWkehgW8_W3Md-c_86p4QAbCaCe40 – Editors.

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Taras Bilous

February 25, 2022 Length: 1971 words 0 comments

[Discussion Article] A letter to the Western Left from Kyiv

Summary: We republish this open letter, written in medias res, by Ukrainian activist Taras Balious. First appeared here: https://ukrainesolidaritycampaign.org/2022/02/25/a-letter-to-the-western-left-from-kyiv/ – Editors

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Ukraine Solidarity Campaign

February 24, 2022 Length: 30 words 0 comments

Mass Protest: Russia Hands Off Ukraine! *Change of Location – Downing Street, not at Russian Embassy*

Labor Movement Solidarity with Ukraine, Protest on Saturday 26 February.

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A group of protesters hold signs supporting striking academic workers. In front, 2 students hold a pink banner that has "STUDENTS + WORKERS" written across it.

Seamus Connolly

February 20, 2022 Length: 331 words 0 comments

Strike Action: University and Colleges Union, UK – the Four Fights

A worker’s report on ongoing labor strikes against the increasingly cruel treatment of the workforce in UK universities. — Editors

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Rajiv Nagar,
Lalan Kishor Singh

February 15, 2022 Length: 1978 words 0 comments

Indian Workers Speak for Themselves

The following two articles were written by two rank-and-file workers in Nagpur, India and is being circulated as a leaflet among workers as a contribution to reviving the country’s labor movement. — Editors

Hindi translation here.

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Steven Colatrella

February 8, 2022 Length: 5342 words 2 comments

“When all you have is a hammer…”: why Agamben’s ideas were bound to lead to this

Summary: Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben’s attack on public health measures during Covid 19 is linked to undialectical perspectives rooted in Nietzsche, and contrasted to other thinkers like Toni Negri, Naomi Klein, and Peter Linebaugh – Editors

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Ukraine Solidarity Campaign

February 8, 2022 Length: 316 words 1 comments

No to war – Russia’s hands off Ukraine!

An international statement of solidarity launched by the Ukraine Solidarity Campaign. The International Marxist-Humanist Organization has signed and supports this statement. — Editors

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Alex Adamson

January 31, 2022 Length: 1777 words 0 comments

Review: Kevin B. Anderson, Kieran Durkin, and Heather Brown, (eds.) ‘Raya Dunayevskaya’s Intersectional Marxism’

Review essay by Alyssa Adamson, first appeared in Theory, Culture & Society https://www.theoryculturesociety.org/blog/review-anderson-durkin-brown-raya-dunayevskayas-intersectional-marxism — Editors

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