Statement of the Iranian Writers’ Union Condemning Government Murders

Iranian Writers' Union

Summary: Protests a series of brutal executions of those fighting for liberation, trans. by Hamid Vahed — Editors

At the same time as the people’s freedom movement, the government’s suppression machine was started as if none of those who had opened their mouths to oppose it were going to be removed from the government’s oppression. In a short period of time, the government imprisoned many protesters, as well as political, union and civil activists and ideological opponents and tried them behind closed doors. This happened without the presence of their own lawyers, on false charges, and in the shortest possible time and the regime carried out their sentences one after the other without delay,

It is not an exaggeration to say that there were few trade union and political organizations left immune from the blade of repression and that did not see many of their members imprisoned or faced with summons, interrogation and threats.

The criminalization of the expression of opinion, which is as old as the life of the Islamic Republic, has always resulted in arrests and the issuance of heavy sentences, and last week it led to the execution of Seyyed Sadraleh Fazeli Zare and Yusuf Mehrad, two prisoners of conscience.

The rope that the government put on the necks of these two is the same rope that took the lives of protesters such as Mohsen Mirshkari, Majidreza Rahnavard, Mohammad Mahdi Karmi, Seyed Mohammad Hosseini and other people of the recent freedom movement that were executed. Undoubtedly, the wave of opposition to the death penalty… should become a permanent, continuous and daily process: we do not want government murder!

For this reason, the Iranian Writers’ Union calls on all organizations that defend freedom and human rights and aligned organizations around the world to express their opposition to the new wave of executions in Iran and to use all their means to stop the repression machine of the Islamic Republic.

Iranian Writers Union


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