May Day Statement: For a Humanist Alternative to Capitalism
Summary: This article was published in English on May 1, 2018 in the International Marxist-Humanist — Editors
Home / Spanish
Summary: This article was published in English on May 1, 2018 in the International Marxist-Humanist — Editors
Summary: This article was first published as a new introduction to the French reprint of Dunayevskaya’s Marxism and Freedom (Paris: Éditions Syllepse, 2015). The Spanish version, translated by Ivan Go…
Summary: This article was originally published in English on Nov. 10, 2016 in the International Marxist-Humanist. The Spanish version, translated by Juan Manuel Pericas, was published in Marxismo crit…
Summary: This interview on Marx at the Margins was published in Spanish in Bandera Roja (Argentina), here It was tra…
Summary: This interview was originally published in French in Contretemps No. 7 (2015). The Spanish version, translated by J.Mª Fdez. Criado, can be located HERE – Editors.
Summary: This interview was originally published in French in Contretemps No. 7 (2015). The Spanish version, translated by J.Mª Fdez. Criado, can be located HERE – Editors
Summary: This article was published in el delfin, a website associated with the Carrera de Ciencias Políticas y Administración Pública de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. The English origin…
The concept of intersectionality is used to examine Marx’s theory of race and class during the US Civil War, his writings on gender, and their relationship to the work of the founders of US Marxst-Hum…
Summary: This article was translated into Spanish by José Demócrito Pérez-Ardá and published in Marxismo Critico. The original, entitled “The Paris Assassinations in Global Context,” was published in…