Vista do Raça, gênero e o marxismo amefricano: desfazer mitos, (re)construir caminhos de emancipação
This Portuguese article was initially published in the magazine Germinal: marxismo e educação em debate. — Editors
Home / Portuguese
This Portuguese article was initially published in the magazine Germinal: marxismo e educação em debate. — Editors
Summary: The mass movement in France has reached unexpected size, posing a serious challenge to the government’s austerity plans — Editors
Summary: Discusses the upcoming Brazilian election and how to defeat Bolsonarism — Editors English original here.
This is a Portuguese translation of “No, Karl Marx Was Not Eurocentric”. This translation was first published on the blog Choldraboldra and the English original was first published in Jacobin. — Edito…
O filósofo e psiquiatra anticolonial, Frantz Fanon, nasceu neste dia em 1925. Ele forjou sua visão sobre o Sul Global na luta de libertação argelina, onde se convenceu de que a independência nacional…
Portuguese book review of Kevin Anderson’s book Marx at the Margins, originally published in Sociologias, Porto Alegre, ano 23, n. 57, May-August 2021. Download the PDF or access the article online he…
This article was published in English on April 18, 2018 in the International Marxist-Humanist. The Portuguese version, translated by Rodrigo M.H. Pinho, appeared in A terra é redonda on August 23, 202…
Summary: Using recently published correspondence, the 1872-75 French edition of Capital, Vol. I, for which Marx rewrote numerous passages, is shown to be the version he saw as the basis for all future…
Summary: The Portuguese version of this article was published in Revista Direito e Praxis Vol. 12 and includes an introduction by the translator, Mario Soares Neto. This article was published in Engli…