Repensando la idea de revolución
Originally appeared in Herramienta: debate y crítica marxista. A translation by Mónica Menacho of Hudis’s 2003 critique of John Holloway’s Change the World without Taking Power – Editors Repensando la…
Originally appeared in Herramienta: debate y crítica marxista. A translation by Mónica Menacho of Hudis’s 2003 critique of John Holloway’s Change the World without Taking Power – Editors Repensando la…
A discussion of Hegel’s concept of absolute negativity as ground for Marxist dialectics, in light of the work of Gillian Rose and especially Raya Dunayevskaya, as well as the differing forms of the di…
George W. Bush’s illegal, unwarranted and barbarous war against Iraq clearly has nothing to do with “liberating” the Iraqi people and everything to do with extending U.S. global power at the expense o…
Of the many issues facing the effort to rethink the idea of revolution today, few are more vexing than that of state power. Does social revolution center on the political seizure of state power? If it…
The traditional perception of the American working class as apolitical or even backward, since it has never built a labour party of its own or embraced Marxist parties in any signicant way, has been C…
What is new today is not that the U.S. is willing to unilaterally invade other countries, but that Bush has declared the right to do so against any country, at any time, at any spot on the globe. Ther…
Through his brutal attacks on Gaza, reminiscent of his criminal actions in Lebanon in 1982, Israel’s Ariel Sharon is trying to rid the minds of Israelis and Palestinians of the very idea that they can…
A tribute to the Chinese philosopher and journalist Wang Ruoshui (1926-2002), who was persecuted from the 1960s onwards for defending socialist humanism. He came under particular attack in the 1980s…
The crisis afflicting the anti-war movement goes deeper than the dominance of one or another “vanguard” party, though they have done plenty of damage. Rather, the problem is political and conceptual:…