Der radikale Humanismus des Frantz Fanon
Frantz Fanon war ein zentraler Denker und Revolutionär im Kampf gegen den europäischen Kolonialismus. Seine Perspektive auf das Verhältnis zwischen Rassismus und der Unterdrückung der arbeitenden Klas…
Frantz Fanon war ein zentraler Denker und Revolutionär im Kampf gegen den europäischen Kolonialismus. Seine Perspektive auf das Verhältnis zwischen Rassismus und der Unterdrückung der arbeitenden Klas…
Summary: First appeared here English version available here…
Summary: Portuguese version of article that can be found here in English First appeared in Portuguese here…
Summary: Highlights the weaponization of charges of antisemitism to silence leftist critics of Israeli policies, noting the convergence of the far-right and left-of-center neoliberals in demonizing su…
Summary: Explores the intersection of Rosa Luxemburg’s writings and the historical context of the Namibian genocide, delving into the interconnectedness of imperialism and capitalism. First appeared i…
Summary: Greek translation first appeared here: Published in English here: https://imh…
Summary: This article was published in English in International Marxist-Humanist, Dec. 3, 2023, here: We are publ…
Summary: Review of Blanc’s Revolutionary Social Democracy and its key insights for socialists today; first appeared in Spectre Journal, July 24, 2023 here:…
Summary: Rosa Luxemburg’s work The Accumulation of Capital described the havoc that capitalism wreaked upon what we now call the Global South. Today’s socialist and environmental activists can draw va…