Karl Marx luchó por la libertad
Los conservadores calumnian a Karl Marx. Marx no solo fue un activista toda su vida contra la esclavitud, sino que apoyó los esfuerzos de todos los que se organizaron para luchar contra ella. First ap…
Los conservadores calumnian a Karl Marx. Marx no solo fue un activista toda su vida contra la esclavitud, sino que apoyó los esfuerzos de todos los que se organizaron para luchar contra ella. First ap…
Summary: The Black Lives Matter uprising in the USA, the working-class resistance to unsafe conditions in Italy, and the fight by Hong Kong youth against the repressive Chinese regime exemplify a new…
The concept of specific forms of resistance, rooted in Foucault, has come to the fore in radical thought, replacing earlier concepts of emancipation rooted in abstract universals (Marcuse), but at a t…
“Authoritarian Politics,” presentation at panel on “Dismantling Democracy,” with Kevin B. Anderson, a Marxist-Humanist, and Jessica Pisano, part of NEH-supported colloquium series chaired by Julia Rot…
Summary: This article was translated into Persian by Mobin Rahimi and Jalal al-Din Rahimi and was published in Problematicaaa.com on May 7, 2020, here https://problematicaa.com/easter-1916-at-100-its-…
Birçok nesilden sosyalist gibi Marx da, Yeni Dünya’daki köleliğin kapitalist karakterini ve kölelerin özgürleşmesiyle işçi sınıfının zincirlerini kırması arasındaki kopmaz bağlantıyı görmüştü. Origina…
Summary: Lenin’s theoretical preparation for revolution during the war years 1914-17 is a lesson for us today during the isolation of COVID-19 — Editors
Summary: What faces us in the post-COVID-19 world as we struggle to uproot capitalism and its malignant racism, sexism, heterosexism, and environmental destruction, both in theory and in practice. Aut…
La revolución del Sudán no sólo es árabe sino también africana en un sentido distinto a los levantamientos árabes de 2011. El antiguo régimen combinó el islamismo y un racismo de carácter arabista jun…