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Los Angeles Black History Month Event: Film “At the River I Stand” on the 1968 Memphis Sanitation Strike

Sunday, February 24, 2019
6:00-8:30 PM
Public School
951 Chung King Road, Chinatown, LA 90012
(near Chinatown stop on Gold Line, parking on street or paid lot next to gas station at College and Hill St.)

“At the River I Stand” (60 minutes) depicts the bitter 1968 strike by Black sanitation workers in Memphis, TN, during which Martin Luther King was assassinated while supporting the workers. The film shows the interplay among the sanitation workers, the Black community, the Civil Rights organizations, and the American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) in their epochal confrontation with the white power structure of Memphis. Short remarks afterward by Marxist-Humanists will launch a discussion on issues like the need for solidarity between labor and the larger community, especially communities of color, whether in Memphis in 1968 or the LA teachers’ strike 51 years later.

Sponsored by West Coast Chapter, International Marxist-Humanist Organization

More information: <[email protected]>
