Summary: We ask all our readers and supporters to contribute to this important campaign to provide electric generators to Ukraine in response to Russia’s murderous attacks on its energy infrastructure.
Winter is coming to Ukraine, temperatures are dropping, but nearly 60% of the country’s electrical generating capacity has been knocked out by unrelenting Russian air strikes. After causing tens of thousands of civilian casualties, the Russians are bent on freezing every child, woman, and man.
The Ukraine Solidarity Network in the United States has teamed up with two Ukrainian trade unions, the Free Trade Union of Railway Workers and the Independent Trade Union of Miners of Ukraine and an NGO called Kryal to provide portable electric generators to families in need. Our initial goal is to raise $6,000 dollars for 12 portable generators for union members and their families. These brave workers and their families are in urgent need of support.
The UN reports that Russian attacks on Ukraine’s energy infrastructure are impacting millions, creating serious humanitarian and public health risks, and adding hundreds of thousands to the 10 million already displaced by the war. Other critical systems including water and education are also being severely disrupted.
Join Us in Standing with Ukraine’s Workers! Click here to download our flier to use in your activism in your community!
Your donation will provide essential power to some of those who need it most. Let’s show our solidarity with Ukraine’s rank-and-file workers and the vital work they do under unimaginable conditions.
Donations will be collected through GoFundme and sent to Kryla’s bank account from where it will be transferred to the official bank accounts of the unions.
Donation link:
Please also consider making a donation for our ongoing campaign to raise money for a social media coordinator. Every bit helps.