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Shireen Akram-Boshar

April 4, 2023 Length: 2309 words 0 comments

The earthquake in Türkiye and Syria

The tragedy of the earthquake in Turkey and the fault lines of counterrevolution, authoritarianism, racism, and capitalism. Originally appeared in Tempest, Feb. 6, here https://www.tempestmag.org/2023/02/the-earthquake-in-turkiye-and-syria/ — Editors

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Andres Magon-Marmol

April 3, 2023 Length: 2180 words 0 comments

Touchstones for the Struggle Against Capitalism

Summary: Based on presentation to the March 18 conference on our new edition of Marx’s Critique of the Gotha Program — Editors

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Ben Brazelton

March 28, 2023 Length: 3595 words 0 comments

On Kinglets Trapped in Castles—Or, The Moral Atrophy of Daniel Ortega

This criticism of the political degeneration of Nicaragua’s Daniel Ortega from the celebrated revolutionary of 1979 to the autocratic dictator of today raises the question of what political and structural factors (in addition to subjective and personal ones) explains why there have been so many unfinished and failed revolutions. — Editors

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Kevin B. Anderson

March 27, 2023 Length: 715 words 0 comments

Los Angeles School Workers Win Victory against Poverty Wages

Massive Los Angeles school strike results in victory by low-paid school workers, with teachers in solidarity — Editors

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Said Hosseini

March 12, 2023 Length: 3477 words 0 comments

(Re-)Conquest of Life: Notes on the Protests in Iran

Assesses the social composition of and the prospects for the Iranian uprising — Editors

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David Black

March 7, 2023 Length: 1598 words 0 comments

Review of New Edition of Marx’s Critique of the Gotha Program

Summary: Reflections on the new edition of Marx’s Critique of the Gotha Program, translated by Karel Ludenhoff and Kevin B. Anderson. Additionally, the book includes a new introduction and foreword by Peter Hudis and Peter Linebaugh – Editors.

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Peter Hudis

March 4, 2023 Length: 2453 words 0 comments

Chicago’s Mayoral Election and the Ramifications of Today’s “War on Crime”

Summary: First round of Chicago mayoral election focuses and threat to leftwing politics posed by the spurious claim that the U.S. is experiencing an unprecedented epidemic of crime – Editors

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Iranian feminists and students,
Independent Iranian trade unions

March 2, 2023 Length: 1272 words 1 comments

Iran: Trade Unions Issue Charter Of Minimum Demands

Summary: Joint charter listing “minimum demands,” written by independent Iranian trade unions, feminists, and student groups – Editors

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Kevin B. Anderson

February 15, 2023 Length: 1238 words 1 comments

Democracy and the White Working Class vs. “Oligarchy” in the South: Insights from Varon’s New History of the Civil War

Summary: Two strands of Elizabeth Varon’s book, that of a real democracy vs. a white southern oligarchy and that of a racist, nativist politics of grievance in the face of the Confederacy’s defeat, lead to some inspiring but also sober reflections on America’s past — Editors

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Derek Lewis

February 11, 2023 Length: 778 words 0 comments

2023 U.S. State of the Union Address

Summary: Report on U.S. President Biden’s State of the Union before the 118th Congress – Editors

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Rodrigo Maiolini Rebello Pinho

February 9, 2023 Length: 4207 words 2 comments

The Brazilian elections, the January 8 coup attempt and the challenges facing the working class

Results of the 2022 elections, the coup attempt, and the challenges facing the working class in order to defeat the neofascist ongoing insurrection – Editors

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Damian Algabre

February 9, 2023 Length: 599 words 0 comments

College Board Guts AP African American Studies Curriculum

Summary: To appease conservative backlash, College Board removes content from new Advanced Placement African American Studies curriculum – Editors

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Kevin B. Anderson

February 8, 2023 Length: 145 words 0 comments

[Audio] Kevin B. Anderson on the Anti-Colonial Marx

Summary: Interview with Kevin B. Anderson on how Marx was far more attuned to questions of race and ethnicity than his critics would have you believe – Editors

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Lyndon Porter

February 7, 2023 Length: 1632 words 0 comments

The Killing of Tyre Nichols and the Contradictions of Policing

Summary: The contradictions of policing cannot be hidden behind a veil of “law and order” when people recognize that law and order in a capitalist society just means the continuation of racist and classist practices to maintain the accumulation of capital. – Editors

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