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Paresh Chattopadhyay

September 16, 2010 Length: 3332 words 0 comments

Marx Made to Serve Party-State

[A review of On Socialism: Selections from Writings of Karl Marx, Frederick Engels, V. I. Lenin, J .V. Stalin, Mao Zedong, edited by Irfan Habib, New Delhi: Tulika Books, 2009]

In critiquing the assumptions of the Indian Marxist historian Irfan Habib’s statist and ultimately market-oriented concept of socialism, Paresh Chattopadhyay elaborates Marx’s concept of socialism as pointing toward a society free of all forms of domination, whether of capital or the state.  – Editors

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Ba Karang

September 1, 2010 Length: 903 words 0 comments

Rwanda — From the Horrors of Genocide to Democracy?

Rwanda’s recent election, its turn toward authoritarianism, and the involvement of Western capital are analyzed.

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August 20, 2010 Length: 384 words 0 comments

What Does Marxist-Humanism Mean for Today?

Video of meeting at Loyola University Chicago featuring presentations by Peter McLaren (UCLA), David Schweickart (Loyola University), Sandra Rein (University of Alberta), Ba Karang (West Africa), Kevin Anderson (University of California, Santa Barbara), and Peter Hudis (Loyola University). We have also posted the written texts or summaries for some of the presentations.

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Peter Hudis

August 19, 2010 Length: 6861 words 0 comments

Why a New International Marxist-Humanist Organization? Why Now? The Economic, Political, and Philosophical Context

A report from the successfully concluded Founding Conference of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization, Chicago, July 3-4, 2010

It is necessary to look at Marx’s work as a whole, not fragment him into the economic, political, or philosophical dimension alone. In analyzing the global economic crisis, especially in Greece, we need to ask why so many of the current critiques from the left have stressed making the rich not the workers pay, rather than the uprooting of the capitalist system itself.  Here another look at Marx’s Critique of the Gotha Program alongside Dunayevskaya’s writings on the dialectics of organization and philosophy is crucial.  We also need to develop the politicalization of philosophy in light of recent events in Iran, Afghanistan, Israel-Palestine, and elsewhere. – Editors

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Kevin B. Anderson

August 18, 2010 Length: 5662 words 5 comments

Overcoming Some Current Challenges to Dialectical Thought

A report from the successfully concluded Founding Conference of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization, Chicago, July 3-4, 2010

The views set out in our Statement of Principles and our commitment to the dialectics of revolution place us in conflict with the dominant philosophical perspectives, even on the Left. Two of these dominant perspectives on the Left are:  (1) the tradition of democracy and civil society that emerged in the 1980s as a rejection of revolution and of Marxism and with which are associated thinkers like Jürgen Habermas; (2) the traditions of autonomous Marxism and postcolonialism, which are associated with thinkers like Antonio Negri and Edward Said.   The first of these trends is influential in the mass democratic movement in Iran today, while the second is influential in the anti-globalization movement. – Editors

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David Black

August 17, 2010 Length: 5177 words 0 comments

On Philosophic Battles of Ideas, Past and Present

A report from the successfully concluded Founding Conference of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization, Chicago, July 3-4, 2010

Black offers a dialectical critique of Alfred Sohn-Rethel’s materialist interpretation of ancient Greek philosophy, which has influenced a number of current and recent Marxist philosophers, among them Adorno, Postone, and Arthur. Another problem is how some on the left have been uncritical of Islamism, while others like Dawkins have put forth a “new atheism.”  A more dialectical view of religion is presented, rooted in Marx, Hegel, and the last writings of Dunayevskaya on the dialectics of organization and philosophy.  – Editors

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Miriam Qamar

August 16, 2010 Length: 4070 words 0 comments

Thoughts on the Dialectics of Revolution and Palestinian Nationalism

A student active in the support movement for Palestine discusses the dialectics of revolution and of national liberation in Marx, Lenin, and Luxemburg based upon a reading of Dunayevskaya’s work.  This is connected to a critical assessment of the Palestinian national liberation movement since the First Intifada of 1987.  Gender, globalization, fundamentalism, and the brutal Israeli occupation are discussed.

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Richard Abernethy

August 16, 2010 Length: 798 words 0 comments

Dubai: In a Playground of the Super-Rich, Workers Confront a Bonded Labour System

Migrant workers from many countries have build up Dubai from a petty sheikhdom to a futuristic city. Their protests have exposed the grim conditions behind the glistening mirage. – Editors
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Melisa Azad

August 12, 2010 Length: 897 words 0 comments

Immigrant Rights and the Politics of Hate: Report of a Demonstration

Students demonstrating for immigrant rights in Santa Barbara are confronted by open racism, leading to reflections on the dehumanization of capitalist society – Editors.

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David Black

July 27, 2010 Length: 1440 words 1 comments

‘Reification a Myth’ Shock (or What Gillian Rose Tells Us About Sohn-Rethel, Adorno and Ancient Greece)

Alfred Sohn-Rethel and George Thomson sought to locate the source of philosophical abstraction in the monetary exchange of Greek Antiquity. According to Gillian Rose’s critique of Frankfurt School Marxism, Sohn-Rethel (and Theodore Adorno) erred in discussing commodity fetishism outside its specifically capitalist form. They thus obfuscated Marx’s critique of capital, in which “necessary illusion arises out of productive activity.” – Editors

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Kaveh Boveiri

July 11, 2010 Length: 1032 words 2 comments

I Have a Pacemaker: Reflections on the G20 Toronto Protests

The protests at the G20 Summit in Toronto are related to the wider international struggle against capital – Editors.

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Yasmin Nair

June 6, 2010 Length: 4694 words 1 comments

What’s Left of Queer?: Immigration, Sexuality, and Affect in a Neoliberal World

“You should know more about Islam.” I was at an anti-war event organized by my friend D., and was being admonished by a smug, white, almost-retired Marxist professor, the kind that’s all too common in the Rogers Park neighborhood, an area known for its vaunted progressive politics. He’d just been introduced to me, with my noticeably Muslim first name, and had promptly asked me to clarify some point about Islam. I’d told him I didn’t know, a response which drew the aforementioned words from him. I wanted to sear Mr. Marxist (henceforth to be known as Mr. M.) with angry barbs. D. and I both started to tell Mr. M that I’m an atheist, and I also wanted to turn the tables on him: How dare you, I wanted to say, assume anything about me, based on the color of my skin and my name? And even if I were Muslim, why should I know more about Islam? You’re white, so you must be, oh, a Protestant? But I didn’t, mostly because he was quite old, approaching 80 perhaps, and I was afraid of giving him a heart attack. And, I’ll admit, because I didn’t want to “make trouble” in what was partly a social setting.

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London Corresponding Committee

June 4, 2010 Length: 622 words 0 comments

We Are All Palestinians Now

“We are all Palestinians now.”  That was the chant by the mourners in Turkey as the bodies of the nine victims of Israeli shock troops were returned to Istanbul. It is our slogan today as well.

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Dale Parsons

June 1, 2010 Length: 1983 words 0 comments

A Deeper Look at Massey Coal Mine Deaths

Struggles against unsafe conditions and the pressure of global energy markets remind us of new directions inspired by class struggles in the mine fields.

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Batay Ouvriye

April 24, 2010 Length: 3858 words 0 comments

After the January 12, 2010 Haiti earthquake

As everyone knows, many, many persons have died or disappeared, many have lost limbs, many houses have been destroyed, and many have been left homeless. Many who were working lost their lives, many workers perished at work in their factories, street vendors, public sector employees, store employees, students, people in the streets and in popular neighborhoods… What a huge blow!

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