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Peter McLaren

May 15, 2012 Length: 11169 words 0 comments

Discussion Article: Death Rattle of the American Mind

This article surveys the recent political scene in the United States, paying particular attention to contradictions embedded in foreign policy and domestic initiatives. Also addressed are educational issues within the context of the struggle for both educational justice and economic justice. The author recounts, as well, some of his recent experiences in Michoacan, Mexico, and outlines an approach for social justice education through revolutionary critical pedagogy – Editors

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Richard Abernethy

May 13, 2012 Length: 1224 words 0 comments

Israel and Iran: Enmity from Above, Amity from Below

Israeli and Iranian protesters have joined forces against the threat of war between their countries – Editors.

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David Black

April 12, 2012 Length: 1947 words 1 comments

The European Crisis: Regression and Resistance

The financial meltdown of 2008, the first effect of which was a decline in the “real” economy, has now plunged several European states into sovereign debt crises, amid fears of further collapses of the banks, decline in “social cohesion,” the end of globalisation, and the deepening of  international conflicts. As unemployment in the European Union reaches 17 million, its national governments, bitterly divided amongst themselves, are effectively waging war on the livelihoods of their people.  But can the Left, Labour and  Occupy activists move popular resistance towards an adequate critique of capitalism that raises the prospect of a radical overturning of capitalist relations of production?

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Kevin B. Anderson

March 27, 2012 Length: 2893 words 0 comments

Marcuse’s and Fromm’s Correspondence with the Socialist Feminist Raya Dunayevskaya: A New Window on Critical Theory

During the years 1954 to 1978, the Marxist-Humanist and feminist philosopher Raya Dunayevskaya corresponded separately but intensively with two noted members of the Frankfurt School, Herbert Marcuse and Erich Fromm. The correspondence covered dialectical social theory, socialist humanism, the structure and contradictions of modern capitalism, and feminism and revolution — Editors

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Spencer Leonard

March 4, 2012 Length: 4470 words 0 comments

“Marx at the Margins: An Interview with Kevin B. Anderson”

Last summer, Spencer A. Leonard interviewed Kevin Anderson, author of Lenin, Hegel, and Western Marxism (1995) and Marx at the Margins (2010). The interview was broadcast on August 2, 2011 on the radio show Radical Minds on WHPK–FM Chicago. What follows is an edited transcript of their conversation.

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Mansoor M.

February 19, 2012 Length: 30 words 0 comments

[Video] People’s Pie – from a Global Menu

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Richard Greeman

February 5, 2012 Length: 777 words 0 comments

Russia: The Return of the Revolution

Russia’s anti-regime demonstrations are the biggest popular mobilization since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, and carry with them the real possibility of another revolution – Editors

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Dan Beltaigne

January 18, 2012 Length: 1537 words 1 comments

Why John Brown? Why Now?

150 years after the U.S. Civil War, how does John Brown’s stand at Harpers Ferry  look after the rise of identity politics, multiculturalism and cultural relativism in an  increasingly globalized world? — Editors

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Richard Abernethy

January 15, 2012 Length: 747 words 1 comments

David Cameron’s Attack on Health and Safety

Britain’s prime minister, David Cameron, has resolved to “kill off the health and safety culture for good,” an attitude that poses a threat to all workers and reveals the inhumanity of capitalism. – Editors

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Peter Hudis,
Sasha Lilley

January 9, 2012 Length: 48 words 1 comments

[Audio] Rosa Luxemburg’s Legacy

Peter Hudis is interviewed by Sasha Lilley on “Against the Grain,” KPFA-FM (Pacifica Radio), San Francisco on the ideas and legacy of revolutionary thinker and leader Rosa Luxemburg. Based upon the Letters of Rosa Luxemburg (2011), edited by Hudis, Laschitza, and Adler. 1 hour  — Editors

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Paulo Morel

December 19, 2011 Length: 734 words 2 comments

Discussion Article: Is Newt Gingrich an “Invented” Imbecile?

The inane politics of Newt Gingrich and his ilk is a symptom of the degeneration of U.S. capitalism, which has created a danger to humanity — Editors

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