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Louise Yeoman

November 25, 2012 Length: 894 words 0 comments

Helen Macfarlane – The Radical Feminist Admired by Karl Marx

This 30-minute BBC radio program in the series “Women with a Past,” and accompanying web article, uncovers new research on Helen Macfarlane, the first English translator of Marx’s Communist Manifesto. It builds on Helen Macfarlane: A Feminist, Revolutionary Journalist, and Philosopher in Mid-Nineteenth-Century England (2004) by David Black, who is interviewed on the audio program http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-20475989  — Editors

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Kevin B. Anderson

November 16, 2012 Length: 2489 words 1 comments

U.S. Voters Repudiate Far Right, But Still Face Austerity Capitalism under Obama

A changing U.S. electorate repudiates far right economic and social agenda and its racist, sexist, anti-immigrant politics.  Austerity capitalism will nevertheless continue under Obama, barring a large-scale social upheaval – Editors

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Russian Leftists

November 13, 2012 Length: 1773 words 0 comments

A Call to Join in the International Days of Solidarity against Political Repression in Russia

Call by Russian leftists for international support against state repression – Editors

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Bill Weinberg

October 15, 2012 Length: 1147 words 0 comments

Will American Left Betray Heroine Malala Yousafzai?

Malala Yousafzai, 14-year-old socialist and campaigner for girls’ education, has now been flown to Britain for hospital treatment, following her attempted murder by the Pakistan Taliban. Bill Weinberg considers the mixed response of the “anti-imperialist” US Left. Originally appeared in World War 4 Report – Editors

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Dale Parsons

September 30, 2012 Length: 1976 words 0 comments

Taking Back Our Labor: Wisconsin and the Crisis of American Capitalism

In the wake of the economic crisis, capital has launched an unprecedented attack on the living standards of the working people.  The Wisconsin protests show the way forward, if we can draw their true lessons with regard to the labor bureaucracy and the Democratic Party – Editors

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September 27, 2012 Length: 47 words 0 comments

[Video] Coalition of Immokalee Workers at Occupy Denver

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Bill Weinberg

September 8, 2012 Length: 1366 words 0 comments

The Left and the Jihad: Love-Hate Relationship?

A critique of Robert Fisk’s attack on the Syrian resistance as dominated by jihadists, part of an attitude of kneejerk anti-imperialism, as seen previously during the Bosnian war. Originally appeared in World War 4 Report http://www.ww4report.com/node/11487  – Editors

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David Black

September 2, 2012 Length: 2750 words 1 comments

From Habakkuk to Locke: the Non-Peculiarity of the English Glorious Revolution of 1688

Review of Steve Pincus’s 1688: The First Modern Revolution (New Haven, 2009). This article was first published in The Platypus Review No. 49 (Sept. 2012)   – Editors

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Kevin B. Anderson

August 27, 2012 Length: 4800 words 0 comments

Year Two of the Arab Revolutions

Beset by the twin dangers of Islamism and nominally secular authoritarianism, the Arab revolutions continue to shake up the region as they move through their second year. This essay, which first appeared in Logos, Vol. 11, Issues 1-2 (Spring-Summer 2012) http://logosjournal.com/ , is based upon a presentation to a Convention of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization in Chicago on July 14, 2012 – Editors

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Ayanda Kota

August 18, 2012 Length: 1674 words 1 comments

The Marikana Mine Worker’s Massacre – a Massive Escalation in the War on the Poor

The August 16 police massacre of strikers at the Marikana platinum mine in South Africa has shocked the world, recalling Sharpeville 1960.  This article analyzes the dramatic class polarization in contemporary South Africa, with a new “Black Economic Elite” forming alongside an older capitalist class rooted in white rule under colonialism and apartheid – Editors

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Marilyn Nissim-Sabat

July 13, 2012 Length: 2519 words 0 comments

Transcendence of the Opposition between the Real and the Ideal

This article was presented as part of a panel entitled “Alternatives to Capitalism: Theoretical, Practical, Visionary” hosted by the International Marxist Humanist Organization and the Department of Sociology at Loyola University, July 13, 2012, Chicago – Editors

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David Black

July 13, 2012 Length: 1677 words 11 comments

Critique of the Situationist Dialectic in the Age of Occupy

This article was presented as part of a panel entitled “Alternatives to Capitalism: Theoretical, Practical, Visionary” hosted by the International Marxist-Humanist Organization and the Department of Sociology at Loyola University, July 13, 2012, Chicago — Editors


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Martin Hundt

June 28, 2012 Length: 1144 words 0 comments

The Connection of Mind and Nature: Marx’s 1878 Notebooks on Geology

A review by a German Marx scholar of the newly published Vol. IV/ 26 of the Marx-Engels Gesamtausgabe (Complete Writings). Marx made these notes, some of which bear upon ecological issues, in 1878. This was just before his Ethnological Notebooks on non-Western and precapitalist societies, in which he studied numerous indigenous peoples. – Editors

[Trans. by Karel Ludenhoff and David Black, with Sandra Rein and Kevin Anderson. Originally appeared in Neues Deutschland (Berlin), May 24th, 2012]

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Dan Beltaigne

June 6, 2012 Length: 369 words 0 comments

Some Thoughts on the Wisconsin Recall Election

The failure to recall Governor Scott Walker is not a defeat for unions or labor in Wisconsin, nor is it a referendum on Obama – Editors

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