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Independent antiwar activists and intellectuals

November 20, 2013 Length: 913 words 0 comments

Open Letter to the Stop the War Coalition

We reprint here a statement by independent antiwar activists and intellectuals protesting the British Stop the War Coalition’s scandalous decision to invite Assad regime apologist Mother Superior Agnes Mariam de la Croix to speak at their “International Anti-War Conference.”  We protest the fact that de la Croix has also been invited to speak in Los Angeles and elsewhere under similarly false pretenses  – Editors.

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Kevin B. Anderson

October 28, 2013 Length: 19 words 0 comments

[Video] Casting a Critical Eye on Foucault’s Concept of Resistance, in Light of Marcuse and Marx

IMHO member Kevin Anderson spoke at Black Coffee Coop in Seattle’s Capitol Hill neighborhood on Monday Oct. 28th, 2013. His lecture, entitled, “Casting a Critical Eye on Foucault’s Concept of Resistance, in Light of Marcuse and Marx,” was presented by the West Coast Chapter of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization and the Commoners’ Club, and attracted an audience of over thirty workers and activists.

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Peter Hudis

October 20, 2013 Length: 2773 words 0 comments

A Land of Boundless Possibilities: Comments for Panel Discussion on ‘New Editions of Rosa Luxemburg’s Work’

Peter Hudis, co-editor of the Letters of Rosa Luxemburg and of her Complete Works, discusses the theorist’s invaluable legacy in the context of Verso’s English publication of her Complete Works. The following speech was written for the International Conference on Rosa Luxemburg, held in Paris 4 and 5 October 2013. The text first appeared on the website of Verso Books. – Editors.

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Ben Watson

October 13, 2013 Length: 4451 words 0 comments

Raya Dunayevskaya and Her Legacy: A Review of Peter Hudis, Marx’s Concept of the Alternative to Capitalism

Out To Lunch: Ben Watson is host of weekly radio show Late Lunch With Out To Lunch on Resonance FM: London’s Arts Station. He is also author of Adorno For Revolutionaries. The following article first appeared on the website Unkant — Editors

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Dr. Lenore Daniels

September 26, 2013 Length: 2705 words 0 comments

Have You Had Enough of the Madness of Capitalism? Is It Time To Consider What Marx Really Said?

This discussion of Peter Hudis’s Marx’s Concept of the Alternative to Capitalism connects it to the struggles of African-Americans and workers in the U.S., especially since the economic crisis.  Originally appeared in OpEdNews, – Editors

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Michael Pugliese

September 15, 2013 Length: 1974 words 0 comments

The U.S. Left and Syria

Past and present alignments of sectors of the anti-imperialist left impede effective analysis and solidarity with the Syrian people. Presented to the West Coast Chapter of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization – Editors

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Kevin B. Anderson

September 15, 2013 Length: 1442 words 1 comments

How to Think About Syria? Anti-Imperialism, Assad Regime Barbarism, and the Search for an Alternative

Notes from a presentation to the West Coast Chapter of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization, held at the Westside Peace Center, Los Angeles. Critiques positions of some on the Left and discusses the position on Syria of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization – Editors

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The International Marxist-Humanist Organization

August 30, 2013 Length: 648 words 2 comments

Against U.S. Attack on Syria! Against the Assad Regime and Other Reactionary Forces! For the Grassroots Syrian Revolution!

As the U.S. rattles its sabers against the Assad regime in Syria in the wake of an apparent attack on civilians with chemical weapons, the situation remains murky. A number of forces — the U.S.-Britain-France, their sometime allies Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Qatar, the murderous Assad regime, and equally murderous jihadis — are all seeking to stifle the yearnings of the Syrian people to be free of the domination of both local authoritarians and global imperialism – Editors

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August 29, 2013 Length: 2726 words 1 comments

The 50th Anniversary March on Washington: A Participant’s Report

A first-hand account of the August 24, 2013 50th Anniversary March on Washington, this article stresses the intertwining of race and class and the need for the anti-racist movement to ground itself in the critique of capitalism – Editors

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August 29, 2013 Length: 1667 words 2 comments

Fast Food Workers to Go on Strike Across U.S.

Today, thousands of Fast Food workers across the nation are going on strike, protesting the exploitative conditions that are standard practice in the industry. I am one of those workers, existing at the point where the gears of the capitalist profit machine grind together. Today, I am striking with my fellow workers to try and effect change at the Jimmy John’s store where I work, but also to stand in solidarity with fast food workers around the nation who experience a variety of injustices in their work places every day.

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E. San Juan

August 27, 2013 Length: 2570 words 0 comments

Imperial Humanitarianism in a U.S. Neocolony: Torture of Women Prisoners in the Philippines

Leftist activists continue to be murdered and tortured under liberal President Benigno Aquino III.  This process, which has especially brutal outcomes for women, is viewed in the context of U.S. neocolonial domination. An earlier version appeared in Countercurrents.org, in July – Editors

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J Turk

August 19, 2013 Length: 2588 words 0 comments

After Trayvon: Renewing the Struggle Against Racism, in Florida and Beyond

The Trayvon Martin verdict is viewed in the context of U.S. racialized capitalism. The article focuses on the structures of race/class oppression in Florida, both in the past and today, and the oppositional movements that these structures have engendered – Editors

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Peter Hudis

August 8, 2013 Length: 2658 words 0 comments

Rosa Luxemburg: Interview with Luxemburg Scholar and Editor, Peter Hudis

Dr. Lenore Daniels, a columnist for Black Commentator Magazine, discusses Rosa Luxemburg’s legacy as a an anti-imperialist thinker and  interviews Peter Hudis, co-editor, along with Georg Adler and Annelies Laschitza, of The Letters of Rosa Luxemburg (2011). Originally appeared in OpEdNews – Editors

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David Black

August 7, 2013 Length: 1139 words 0 comments

Hegel in 10 Minutes

David Black’s riff on Hegel took place at a fringe meeting of the Association of Musical Marxists during the Marxism 2013 conference in London in July. It was first published on the AMM website on August 6, 2013. A video is also available, HERE  – Editors

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Sam Friedman

August 6, 2013 Length: 241 words 0 comments

Two Poems on Revolution

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