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Marcelo Mendez

March 9, 2015 Length: 1835 words 0 comments

Reflections on the Oakland March for Real Climate Leadership

A Latino youth’s account of the February 7 Oakland climate march, in light of the dimensions of race, class, and capitalism – Editors

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Peter Hudis

February 20, 2015 Length: 9721 words 2 comments

Yes, There Is An Alternative – And It Can Be Found in Marx

Although few questions are more important than whether a viable alternative to capitalism is possible, radical theory has tended to shy away from directly engaging the issue—even when the theoretical and practical cost of the claim that “there is no alternative to capitalism” is acknowledged. This essay argues that the barrier towards envisioning a viable alternative needs to begin by revisiting Marx’s critique of capitalism as well as his many criticisms of the socialist and communist tendencies of his time. Implicit in Marx’s critique of the logic of capital  and the failure of radical theoreticians in his time to comprehend it is a specific concept of a post-capitalist society that today’s social movements neglect to their peril. By re-visiting Marx’s body of work in light of what it offers for envisioning life after capitalism, we may be able to grasp how deeply his work speaks to us today.

Originally appeared in Praktyka Teoretyczna (Poland) in 2014.

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Sarah Shin

January 15, 2015 Length: 1346 words 0 comments

‘Future victories will spring from this “defeat”’—Rosa Luxemburg before her death on this day, 1919

Discusses Rosa Luxemburg’s last writings on the anniversary of her assassination by proto-fascists on Jan. 15, 1919; originally appeared in Verso’s blog, HERE – Editors

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Mansoor M.

January 7, 2015 Length: 505 words 0 comments

Review of ‘A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night’

Allegorical Iranian horror film interpreted in terms of its political and social meaning, especially around gender oppression – Editors

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Richard Abernethy,
Kevin B. Anderson,
Dan Beltaigne,
David Black,
Antony H.,
Rehmah Sufi

January 6, 2015 Length: 3517 words 0 comments

Ferguson Protests Place American Civilization on Trial: A Symposium

Protests in the USA over the police murders of Black youth have exposed the great divides in American society. Has a critical mass been formed that raises the possibility of real movement against the system? – Editors

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Robert Gabrielsky

November 28, 2014 Length: 710 words 2 comments

LAPD Kettles Ferguson Demonstrators: A Participant’s Account

Account by a longtime socialist and labor activist of the arrest by the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) of over 100 Ferguson support demonstrators who took to the streets on November 26, and of their inhuman treatment in jail – Editors

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The International Marxist-Humanist Organization

November 25, 2014 Length: 655 words 0 comments

After Ferguson, There Is No Justice in America

There is no justice in America—not for victims of police abuse, and surely not for Blacks and Latinos who are enduring the oppressive apparatus an American “civilization” that long ago shed its last trace of humanity.

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Mehmet Tas

November 24, 2014 Length: 1400 words 0 comments

Is This the End of Democracy? On the Middle East after ISIS

A long-time Turkish activist discusses how the potential unleashed by the Arab Revolutions risked being stifled by the most recent incarnations of Islamic fundamentalism as well as the short sighted and self-interested policies of the U.S. and NATO, especially when it comes to Syria and Iraq – Editors

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Heather A. Brown,
Estelle Cooch

November 23, 2014 Length: 52 words 1 comments

Towards a Marxist Theory of Gender?

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Dale Heckerman

November 2, 2014 Length: 539 words 0 comments

Family of Denver Homeless Preacher Killed by Deputies Awarded $4.6 Million

Large payouts by Denver sheriffs in deaths of two Black men is tied to race/class structure of U.S. – Editors

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Lenore Daniels

October 28, 2014 Length: 4989 words 0 comments

Health Care Only In U.S.A.: The Too Often Deadly and Truly Absurd

This narrative of an experience in the “health” care system by a leading writer on Black liberation and feminism underlines how today, more than ever, illness in the U.S. is big business and a source of relentless profit—with the needs of the human individual rendered almost completely superfluous – Editors

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The International Marxist-Humanist Organization

October 11, 2014 Length: 1025 words 4 comments

Syria: Revolutionaries Caught Between ISIS and US Imperialism

All eyes are on Kobane, Syria, where Kurdish forces, women as well as men, are under threat of extermination from the reactionary ISIS, even as they seek to defend their social gains. They are doing so in the face of several other forces of reaction, whether US imperialism, the genocidal Assad regime, or the virulently anti-Kurdish Turkish regime – Editors

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Cristina A.

October 5, 2014 Length: 3150 words 0 comments

On the People’s Climate March: Marx and the Metabolic Interactions between Humyns and the Environment

This article notes the writers experiences at the Peoples Climate March in New York in September and discusses the linkages between climate destabilization and capitalism through a Marxist lens – Editors

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Richard Abernethy

September 25, 2014 Length: 1332 words 1 comments

Global Labour and Recent Popular Movements

Trade unions, political parties and more grassroots forms of organisation are discussed with respect to the UK, Thailand, and Cambodia; edited version of a talk at the Convention of the International Marxist-Humanist Organisation on 27 July 2014 in Chicago – Editors

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