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Richard Abernethy

May 16, 2015 Length: 933 words 0 comments

Notes on the British General Election

An unexpected, narrow majority for the Conservatives; a phenomenal success for the Scottish National Party (SNP); the collapse of the Liberal Democrats; the Labour Party squeezed between right and left; the United Kingdom Independence Party (Ukip) on the right and the Greens on the left severely under-represented by the electoral system, holding just one seat each; some of the complex, contradictory outcomes of the British general election of May 2015.

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Independent Iranian Workers’ Organizations

May 10, 2015 Length: 1634 words 1 comments

Joint May Day Resolution of Independent Iranian Workers’ Organizations

Joint resolution by seven independent Iranian labor unions and organizations has been issued amidst a growing wave of strikes by workers, protests by teachers and nurses, and arrests of union leaders. First appeared in Iranian Progressives in Translation – Editors.

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Dale Heckerman

May 3, 2015 Length: 258 words 1 comments

From Denver to Baltimore to Ayotzinapa, We Do Mind Dying

Account of brutal police response to a demonstration against police brutality and murder in Denver – Editors

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Kevin B. Anderson

May 2, 2015 Length: 3973 words 0 comments

Marx at the Margins: Response to Reviewers

Author’s last version of his response in Dialectical Anthropology to a symposium on Marx at the Margins that featured review essays by Aijaz Ahmad (India), David Norman Smith (USA), Michal Buchowski (Poland), and Eamonn Slater (Ireland). Open access version first published in University of California eScholarship – Editors.

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Peter Hudis

May 1, 2015 Length: 30 words 0 comments

[Video] Marx’s Concept of the Alternative to Capitalism

Summary: Presentation to Open University of the Left, Chicago, April 18, 2015. Covers Marx on the alternative to capitalism, worker cooperatives, and overcoming value production, with discussion from the floor (118 minutes) – Editors

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Volodmyr Zadyraka

April 21, 2015 Length: 3072 words 0 comments

Kagarlitsky, the War, and Political Corruption: A Critique of the “Red Putinist”

Often celebrated by the international left, Russian intellectual Boris Kagarlitsky is in fact close to the Putin regime and its neofascist allies. First published in English by Ukraine Solidarity Campaign – Editors.

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Loren Anderson

April 17, 2015 Length: 1092 words 0 comments

Who Was Walter Scott?

The police killing of Walter Scott in North Charleston, South Carolina is placed in the context of institutionalized racism and the origins of police in the night watch and the slave patrol – Editors

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Peter Linebaugh

April 15, 2015 Length: 2298 words 1 comments

To Be a Pilgrim

Peter Linebaugh’s review of Helen Macfarlane: Red Republican: The Complete Annotated Writings, including the first translation of the Communist Manifesto, edited by David Black (London: Unkant Publishers, 2014), first appeared in Metamute – Editors.

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Paul Street

April 1, 2015 Length: 1927 words 0 comments

Peter McLaren: Putting Radical Life in Schools

Review of the new sixth edition of Life in Schools, Peter McLaren’s classic critique of the educational system under capitalism, now updated through the Obama administration. Copyright Truthout 25 January 2015, reprinted with permission – Editors

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Kevin B. Anderson,
Mansoor M.,
Marcelo Mendez,
Hamid Vahed

March 29, 2015 Length: 2049 words 4 comments

[Video] For a New Year! For a New World! Nowruz Spring Celebration

The West Coast Chapter of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization held a well-attended Nowruz (Persian New Year) celebration that combined enjoyment of food and drink by our members and friends, as well as speeches on Yemen, ecology and the new society, and Marx’s concept of communism/free association. It also featured Iranian-Latin Fusion Music/World Music by “Mansoor and Friends” – Editors

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David Black,
Ben Watson

March 27, 2015 Length: 63 words 0 comments

Helen Macfarlane: Independent Object

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Sevgi Doğan

March 16, 2015 Length: 4953 words 1 comments

Luxemburg’s Concept Of Freedom

This article connects the concepts of the self-emancipation and self-consciousness of the oppressed in Rosa Luxemburg to those of Frantz Fanon and G.W.F. Hegel, also drawing a contrast to Lenin’s concept of the vanguard party. First published in Turkish in Felsefelogos No. 52 (2014/1) – Editors.

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Sankar Ray

March 15, 2015 Length: 2396 words 2 comments

Marxologists and Return of Marx

The international conference on forthcoming volumes of (and research based on) the Marx-Engels Gesamtausgabe (Complete Writings or MEGA) that took place in Tokyo in February 2015 covered a wide range of issues, from crisis theory and colonialism to ecology. A 2014 conference in Amsterdam on “Capital- an Unfinished and Unfinishable Project” is also discussed. Originally published in Frontier (Kolkata, India) on March 15, 2015 – Editors

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Kevin B. Anderson

March 14, 2015 Length: 4123 words 0 comments

Revisiting Lenin’s Hegel Notebooks, 100 Years Later

Discussions of Lenin and Hegel since the 1995 publication of Kevin Anderson’s Lenin, Hegel, and Western Marxism are assessed critically, as is Lenin’s own 1914-15 return to Hegel and its implications for today. Originally appeared in Socialism and Democracy, Vol. 28: 1 (2014) and now available online HERE – Editors

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Karel Ludenhoff

March 11, 2015 Length: 1760 words 0 comments

Further Reflections on Yanis Varoufakis’s ‘Erratic’ Marxism

Karel Ludenhoff continues the discussion on Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis’s relation to Marx and ‘Marxism’ – Editors

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