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Richard Greeman

September 18, 2015 Length: 396 words 3 comments

Support Maati Monjib in the Face of Moroccan Government Repression

Statement of support for Moroccan historian, journalist, and activist Maati Monjib. Maati leads a human rights group that defends journalists and is the translator into Arabic of Raya Dunayevskaya’s Marxism and Freedom and of works by Victor Serge – Editors.

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Kevin B. Anderson

September 15, 2015 Length: 77 words 0 comments

Fromm, Marx, and Humanism

In 1961, Erich Fromm’s writings against nuclear weapons and on Marx’s 1844 humanist writings brought him into conflict with Cold War liberals like Sidney Hook, Richard Bernstein, and into new contact with Raya Dunayevskaya. Author’s last version of chapter published in Towards a Human Science: The Relevance of Erich Fromm for Today, edited by Rainer Funk and Neil McLaughlin (Gessen: Psychosozial-Verlag, 2015), pp. 209-19 and available on eScholarship  — Editors.

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David Black

September 14, 2015 Length: 3887 words 3 comments

Chartists, Corbynistas and the Strange Death of New Labour England

The remarkable and decisive victory of the socialist Jeremy Corbyn in the Labour Party leadership election appears to revive the Left-Right divisions of the 1980s. But there are other historical precedents for the current surge of radicalism, in particular the birth of the Chartist movement nearly two centuries ago – Editors.

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Karel Ludenhoff

September 9, 2015 Length: 4008 words 0 comments

Greece, Grexit, Socialism: The National and International Dimensions

In the run-up to the second general election in Greece this year, Karel Ludenhoff assesses the thinking and strategies of the Greek Left following the capitulation of the Syriza government under the leadership of Alexis Tsipras – Editors.

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July 27, 2015 Length: 1347 words 0 comments

A letter from Iran to Kobanî resistance forces, the Federation of Young Socialists, the members of People’s Democratic Party, and all other activists of the path of socialism and democracy (in Persian, English, Persian-Kurdish, and Turkish)

A letter from Iran to Kobanî resistance forces, the Federation of Young Socialists, the members of People’s Democratic Party, and all other activists of the path of socialism and democracy (in Persian, English, Persian-Kurdish, and Turkish) – Editors.

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Sam Friedman

July 18, 2015 Length: 12155 words 0 comments

What Happened in Ukraine?

As interviews with participants make clear, the Ukrainian Maidan movement was a political revolution. How can we avoid similar lost opportunities to create a revolutionary movement that can save humankind? – Editors.

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Alan Gilbert

July 15, 2015 Length: 584 words 0 comments

Review of Gerald Horne, The Counter-Revolution of 1776

Response to Gerald Horne’s recent book portraying the American Revolution as a pro-slavery rebellion by Alan Gilbert, author of Marx’s Politics: Communists and Citizens. Originally appeared in Journal of American History – Editors.

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Loren Anderson

June 25, 2015 Length: 622 words 0 comments

White Supremacists Aren’t Born; They’re Made

Summary: The shooting of 9 Black elders at the Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina was not a fluke or an isolated incident, but one of the effects of an alienating, racist, and otherwise oppressive economic system on humanity — Editors

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Dyne Suh

June 23, 2015 Length: 469 words 0 comments

The Word “Terrorism” in Light of Charleston

I do not oppose the word “terrorism” here, mainly because it breaks down the racist and xenophobic notion that “terrorists” can only be non-White and not U.S. citizens – Editors.

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Karel Ludenhoff

June 22, 2015 Length: 3759 words 2 comments

Henryk Grossmann vs. Rosa Luxemburg on the Causes and Meaning of Economic Crises — Not Just History

A discussion — in light of the Great Recession and of current debates over economic crisis and its causes — of Henryk Grossman’s 1929 critique of  Rosa Luxemburg’s thesis in Accumulation of Capital that overproduction is the cause of crises, and Grossman’s (and Raya Dunayevskaya’s) defense of Marx’s notion of the tendential fall in the rate of profit  – Editors.

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Peter Hudis,
Juraj Katalenac

June 21, 2015 Length: 2619 words 0 comments

Envisioning Communism: An Interview with Peter Hudis

Interview with Peter Hudis on his Marx’s Concept of the Alternative to Capitalism and on his work on Rosa Luxemburg. This article was first published in The Ritual, Issue 0 – Editors.

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Ayala Leyser

June 15, 2015 Length: 368 words 2 comments

Who Knew?

Who knew that my New is ancient?  Forgotten in 2/2014
bored faces of new generations of semi-olds
Gnawing sushi and fresh wasabi, stock value on the Cubs?
Who knew that my postcard collection will stay virgin, unstamped,
Lost in the present? Buried at the bottom of a shoe box lay the best times of my life, heavily breathing under piles of beige hand-written paper.

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Ottokar Luban

June 12, 2015 Length: 717 words 0 comments

In Memoriam: Feliks Tych (1929-2015)—An Outstanding Rosa Luxemburg Researcher and Historian of the European Labor Movement and Post-Holocaust Issues

On February 17, 2015 Dr. Feliks Tych passed away in Warsaw at the age of 85. The distinguished Polish scholar is well known to North American and UK historians mainly for his important research results on the famous Polish-German socialist Rosa Luxemburg and the Jewish Bund.

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